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Q: What is the youngest age a gerbil pup can be bought- youngest realistic age not newborn and I am willing to give care?
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If you want a realistic one FooPets is your best option but the site is awful and a lot of the stuff you want has to be bought in FD which has to be bought with real money.

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I got mutator when I sold one symptom and bought another one very early on. Hope this helps :)

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far as i can tell, tiesco made them. also for harmony, silvertone and several others. tiesco was bought out by kawai in 68.

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Yes, but that would take some serious engineering. Not realistic to do on a finished, store-bought item.

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Normally these can be bought at your eye doctor and if you are not sure which contact to get I suggest True Colors Color Blends because they are very realistic and come in a variety of colors.

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What somebody is willing to pay for it and what you are willing to take! :) I just bought one at an auction for $137.00. It is in excellent shape and I wouldn't sell it for less than $300.00. If that helps.

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there's nothing free on this world. However, if you have a friend or relative who had a baby and is willing to give you the stroller she/he bought for free, then ask her/him for it politely.

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The Rainbow vacuum series E can go for up to $2200 if bought in the home. However, they are willing to negotiate with you, and you can get a better price.