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Q: What is the zip code for the 3ds with the most games downloaded?
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Can you use games you downloaded on your 3DS on the 3DS XL?

You'd have to use system transfer to migrate your ID from the 3DS to the 3DS XL before you can access your downloaded games on it.

What is a 3ds game's serial number?

in most of the boxes of 3DS games you can see a paper of club nintendo with the code writen on it. same with most DS games as well. note:not all games have the code.

Can you put your downloaded Dsi games into an sd card then put them on the 3DS?

No, you can't.

Can you recover nintendo 3ds downloads if you mistakingly hit reset?

i know that if you delete a game that you downloaded from eShop you can re-download it but i dont think you can recover downloaded games if you reset the 3DS.

What would happen if you put a 3ds game in a Ds?

Nothing, as a 3DS game will not fit into a Ds slot. FOr downloaded games you will not see it

Where to find the games you've downloaded from Nintendo 3DS XL?

If you download a 3DS game or DSi Ware (not DLC) from the Nintendo eShop, the game will appear on the home menu for the 3DS XL.

How do you play games downloaded and play them on 3ds?

You access the 3DS eShop via the icon on the main menu. You will need a source of funding, either a credit card or wallet top-up cards. Once this is sorted you may purchase games, and they will be downloaded as an icon on the 3DS main menu. Simply touch the icon to play.

How do you restore deleted games from 3ds?

As far as I know, it is impossible to recover data on the 3DS if it has been deleted. If you mean games you have downloaded from the eShop, then go onto the eShop and redownload it (subject to availability).

What is r4?

A flash card for the Nintendo ds which lets you play downloaded games (roms) without needing to buy them. The latest version is R4 3DS from 3ds-flashcard site and in 2017, the R4i gold 3ds wood and R4i sdhc 3ds rts are the most highly recommended cards to buy for your DS or 3DS system handhelds.

How do you register friend codes on sims3 for a 3ds?

3DS games do not have friend codes, it is the friend code of the 3DS itself that you use, to be able to play multiplayer on a 3DS game.

What is the difference between 3ds and ds games?

3DS games will, for the most parts, have better graphics than DS games, and will be in 3D.

Can the Nintendo 3DS register DS lite friends?

The 3DS itself has a universal friend code that is used on all the 3DS games and applications the player uses. It means they only need to add a friend once, by adding their 3DS code, they can play multiplayer in any 3DS game that supports it. For regular DS games, it is the game itself that has its own code, so you'd register your friend's Soul Silver friend code on your own Soul Silver, etc, whether you play it in a 3DS or the older models. You could not though add someone's Soul Silver code to the 3DS friend list.