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Q: What is there more of in the world nonreligious people Hindus or Muslims?
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How do the Muslims identified themselves?

The Quran gives people their ranking in the world. It does give their identity though if they are Muslims (really great ones) Non-Muslims (Christians, Hindus, etc;) or Muslims who say they are but don't act as if they are...(worst of the worst)

What percent of Muslims practice this religon?

21% + of the world are Muslims, so 1.5 BILLION PEOPLE! Did you know that about 20,000 people convert to Islam EACH YEAR!!!compared to the nonreligious at 16%, the Hinduism at 14%, .22% judaism, .36% Sikhism, 6% 6% 6% Chinese traditional & Buddhism & primal-indegenous, with chirstianity at 33%.Hope this helped you all!!!

Where are Hindus in the world?

Where are Hindus in the world?

Why is there so much hatred between Hindu and Muslims?

It is not true. Muslims live together with Hindus friendly, peacefully, and with mutual respect despite the political disputes between India and Pakistan.AnswerMuslims are actually Pakistani people. Muslims and Hindus have had a war which havs been occurring from way back when till now. They are fighting for a city called Calcutta, which is a city of great value that is now in India. So now, since Pakistan is in war with India, they hate everything they have to do with each other. [ Hint: the disputes are just due to political reasons and not because Muslims don't like Hindus. India is the non Muslim country with world highest Muslim minority population and percentage. Both Hindus and Muslims in India live together peacefully and with mutual respect]

Where are Islams from?

There isn't a particular country they're from. Muslims are from all over the world. Same goes for Christians, Sikhs, Hindus etc.

What did religious differences between Muslims and Hindus in the Indian subcontinent after World War 2 lead to?

The religious differences between Muslims and Hindus in the Indian subcontinent after World War 2 led to the partition of India and the creation of Pakistan in 1947. This resulted in widespread violence, displacement of populations, and loss of life during the partition process.

Do Jews collect welfare?

There are poor Jews on welfare, just as there are poor Christians, Muslims, Atheists, Hindus, Buddhists, and people of every type, gender, color, age, and nationality on welfare. There are poor people of every type in the world.

What is the percentages of Hindu Muslim christian and Sikh are in the world?

Hindus are 900 million in the world. Muslims are 1.5 billion in the world. Christians are 2.1 billion in the world. Sikhs are 23 million in the world.

Where in the world is Hinduism practice the most?

Nepal and India have the highest percentage of hindus, both have some 80% of its people as hindus.

Why are most Indonesians Muslims and not Hindus?

Indonesia has a larger Muslim population than any other country in world, with approximately 202.9 million identifying themselves as Muslim.

All Muslims speak Arabic?

not all of them, but mostNo, Muslims can come from many parts of the world just like Christians or Hindus etc.. They don't speak any one language, just as people of other religions don't have one main language that is spoken by all it's followers.

What is total population of hindus in the world?

as of may 2009, there are 900 million hindus in the world. this makes it the third largest religion when compared to 2.1 billion christians and 1.5 billion Muslims. percentage wise, 33% people practice Christianity as opposed to 21% following Islam and 14% following Hinduism. it is interesting to note at this stage that, there are 16% of people across the globe who describe themselves as non-religious, although half of these would claim to be theistic but with no religious affiliation.