

What is thermal inertness?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: What is thermal inertness?
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What is it called when elements do not combine with other elements?

inertness, non-reactivity

How does chemical inertness increase the usefulness of the materials?

These materials can be used in corrosive environments.

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Want of action or activity; forbearance from labor; idleness; rest; inertness.

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The important property is the inertness of helium.

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Plastic's inertness to most chemicals makes it disposal a major problem. Its natural degradatiob is extremely slow.

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The electron affinity of argon, like all noble gases, is 0, or very close to it, due to its chemical inertness.

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No, there are a variety of instances where their inertness proves useful, such as incandescant light bulbs or in agitating molten iron without increasing iron oxide content

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