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Q: What is this hard lump in the middle of my ribs?
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What does it mean if you have lumps on your ribs

Hard lump about 2 inches long on ribs just below your collar bone It aches when you stretch What could it be?

It can be a number of things. but it would be wise to have it seen to by a doctor as soon as posible.

Is a 3.5 inches of a board as hard as grizzly bear ribs?

Grizzly bear ribs are as hard as diamonds. glhf with that

What could a lump middle spine be?

your vertebrae

Why is there a Hard lump on the septum?

There are many reasons for a hard lump on the septum. It can be cyst, tumor, or other cause. Only a physician can determine the cause.

How are your ribs numbered?

Start at the middle of the clavicle (breast bone) And count down you have 12 ribs

What is a hard lump that does not move on the lower left side of back?

what is a hard lump that does not move on the lower left side of the back what is a hard lump that does not move on the lower left side of the back That would be your hip

What body part is right at the end of the ribs in the middle?

In the middle at the front the 'sternum', at the middle at the back the 'spine'

What is a hard lump and a bruise mean?

Bruises mean that some capillaries broke, and they bled under the skin. The hard lump is most likely from the bleeding. As the bruise fades away, the lump should go away with it.

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hard lump between jaw and ear what is it and how can it be cured?

What could a hard lump on the side of your thigh mean?

If you are diabetic and you inject yourself in your thigh(s),scar tissue can build up leaving a hard lump there.

What could a bony hard lump on front side of clavicle be?

If there is a hard lump on someoneâ??s clavicle, it could be a type of cyst. It could also be a broken collarbone.