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Q: What is this rebus nose your money chin?
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Is the nose inferior with the chin?


Which of the following describes the position of the pinna of the ear with respect to the nose and chin?

The ear is lateral to the nose and superior to the chin

What is the anatomical position of the chin to the nose?

medial or superior

What is the Answer to rebus puzzle 1 knows?

It's keep in tough

How far is the mouth between the nose and chin?

it depends on your size

Why is a cobbler like a king?

Because his nose is above his chin.

What flower grows between chin and nose?

a venus flytrap

What was done to Michael Jackson's face?

Nose jobs and a chin implant.

Parts of the face that have four letters?

chin, nose, lips, eyes,

What all does maxilliofacial cover?

eyebrows to chin, nose to jaw line

Where is your sweet tooth located?

No seriously, is it a molar located in the back or one of your front teeth? And will you get more money from the tooth fairy for it?

Is the nose inferior to the chin?

This is vague... is the chin the most inferior part of your face? Yes. Is the chin the only part of your face (or bone of your face) inferior to your nose? NO. Beneath the nasal bones (2) you have the nasal septum, the maxilla (that holds your upper teeth, the mandible holds your lower teethe and is your lower jaw, and then the point of your chin, which is called the mental protuberance. The chin is part of the mandible, not a separate bone.