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Q: What is three control variables?
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What are Three types of variables?

Control Variable, Independent Variable, Dependent Variable.

Is it easier to control dependent variables than independent variables in a scientific experiment?

It is easier to control independent variables

What are the variables that are not changed in an experiment?

The control variables.

What are three types of variables in a scientific inquiry?

I'm thirteen so don't be embarrassed if i know it and you don't. ( no offense) The three types of variables in scientific inquiry is Independent variable Dependent variable Control variable

What are contorlled variables in science?

We Is Doing A Project On Control Variables.

Does qualitative research not control variables?

In qualitative research, researchers do not typically control variables in the same way as in quantitative research. Instead, they aim to explore and understand the complexities and nuances of a phenomenon without manipulating variables. The focus is on gaining in-depth insights and understanding the context in which the research is conducted.

What are the three types of variables?

The three types of variables are: Independent: it is the one that you manipulate Dependent: the one that reacts to the changes in the independent variable and is measured in a experiment Control: all the other factors that could affect the dependent variable but are kept constant through out an experiment

What are the two types of variables?

The two types of variables are the CONSTANT and CONTROL.

Why is important to control variables in an experiment?

So that you can know what is the manipulating variable, the controlling variable, and the responding variable! To control the variables!

Variables that do not change in a experiment?

the dependant variable

What does not change in an experement?

The control variables.

How many variables are tested during an experiment?

There are three types of variables tested: manipulated variables, controlled variables, and experimental variables.