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Q: What is to locate something?
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What is another word for an action to locate something?

To search is to attempt to locate something or someone.

What do dolphins use to locate objects?

Something called echo-location

What does source to something mean?

It means to locate or find something. For example - you might source a supplier of new clothing.

What is echolocation on bats?

Echolocation is when you use sound to locate where something is. Bats use it.

What information is given in the map key?

on a map key key you can find and locate where or what something is.=]

Is relocate suppose to be hyphenated?

the answer is yes if relocate is different from re-locate. You can relocate (change the position of) yourself to another state, while you can re-locate (find again) something that you found earlier. If that's true, then you hyphenate when you find something again.

What two factors are needed to locate something?

Two facts you would need in order to locate something would be, general location of the object that needs to be located and a mode of detection, whether it be some sort of scan, xray, sonar, or other detection device.

Which text aid would help you the most if you were trying to locate specific information abot something?

the index

How do you use locate in a sentence?

-The location of the plane wreck accoured in Missouri, but no one is sure of the exact location. - The crime was commited in the location of South of Houston, right next to the tatoo parlor. I'm just a 6th grader so don't judge it if it's horrible.

How do jellyfish locate their food?

By hunting passively. they just wave around their tentacles and hope for something to come in contact with it.

Why would you use a flat map?

u will use a flat map to locate something around u or yourself

How can you read something from Japan?

You should attempt to locate someone who speaks/reads Japanese so that they may translate it for you.