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It is a dermatologic cream used for red blotches, itching and flaking of the skin. Too much use of this cream can result in discoloring of the skin.

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Q: What is topicort desoximetasone cream used for?
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Can topicort be used for athletes foot?

No, you need an antifungal such as clotrimazole cream.

Can desoximetasone cream be used on athlete's feet?

Athletes feet is caused by a fungus. Desoximetasone is a topical corticosteroid cream that should not be used to treat a known fungal infection. The best treatment would be to start with an anti-fungal cream.

Desoximetasone Topical ointment what is it used for?

Yes it is used for psoriasis.

Can you use desoximetasone on hemorrhoids?

My husband has hemorrhoids and they are very swollen, no bleeding but real swollen and he is constipated. He has recently finished up rounds of chemotherapy and radiation (head neck cancer) and I believe all the medications have caused this constipation. I have given him a mix of milk of magnesia and prune juice which seemed to loosen up the stools enough to clear out a little bit of stool. We have some Desoximetasone Cream USP, .025% that he used on an allergic reaction to shot he was getting for radiation. I have read on the Internet that a cortisone cream would help with hemorrhoid's. Could I use this cream on his hemorrhoid's? Right now I am using the preparation H cream and suppositories and a cold ice pack applied directly to the hemorrhoid's. Thank You for your help. Starla Willison

Can Desoximetasone Topical ointment be used for chapped lips?

Yes Desoximetasone can be used for chapped lips. Lips can dry out to the point were they are so dry they get inflamed and regular lip balms or creams will not longer work on them. So desoximetasone is used to treat the inflammation so that moisture can be returned the lips.

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What is nastatin cream used for?

It is an anti-fungal cream

Temovate cream what is this for?

Temovate cream is used for Eczema.

Why is cellulose used in ice cream?

Methyl cellulose is used to thicken ice cream

Can you used nestle all purpose cream as whipping cream?

No cream of any quality can be used to make whipped cream unless it is heavy cream, typically sold as "whipping cream."

Can you use e45 cream on cats?

Yes, e45 cream can be used on cats. The cream can be used on any dry patchy skin on the cat.