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Q: What is transfer of dominance after brain injury in children?
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What is the color of bracelet for children of tramatic brain injury?

the colour for traumatic brain injury is green.

What type of injury can lead to mental retardation in children?

Traumatic brain injury caused by a blow or a violent shake to the head may also cause brain damage and mental retardation in children.

What is the difference between brain injury and brain damage?

The difference is that one can have a brain injury and not have brain damage. Essentially, brain damage is caused by injury or trauma to the brain. However, not every injury to the brain will cause brain damage.

What is the difference between brain damage and brain injury?

The difference is that one can have a brain injury and not have brain damage. Essentially, brain damage is caused by injury or trauma to the brain. However, not every injury to the brain will cause brain damage.

What is a difference between the symptoms of traumatic brain injury for adults and children?

Children are often not able to describe or report what is wrong.

What are the chances of a child falling off a bike and have a brain injury?

0.0062595463% Only about 1000 children out of 15,214,515,441,541 have a brain injury. If you biked every minute of your life the chances are still below 1%

Why would one need a brain injury solicitor?

A person may need a brain injury solicitor or lawyer to assist in a brain injury lawsuit. If a person is a victim of a brain injury due to the negligence of another, a brain injury lawyer can get compensation for their injuries.

Is aphasia a traumatic brain injury?

No; it is a brain-based language disorder that may be caused by a brain injury.

What is the dsm code for traumatic brain injury?

What is the dsm code for traumatic brain injury

What is a traumatic brain injury (TBI)?

Traumatic brain injury is the damaging of the brain which impairs a body's certain function. The brain will experience TBI if there is an injury or impact to the head which directly affects the brain cells. The brain is capable of repairing itself, however it is in varying ways and degrees depending on the person and the injury's severity.

Does gender affect brain dominance?

i think it does...when i was in 6th grade in always heard my teacher talk about brain dominance and how it's different in men and women...but what about girls and boys? :)

Pathophysiology of a head injury?

There are many different types of brain injury, depending upon the severity of the force upon the head, as well as which portion of the brain is affected. To simplify, brain injuries can be classified as traumatic or acquired, with additional types under each heading. All brain injuries are described as either mild, moderate, or severe. Traumatic Brain Injury Traumatic brain injury is a result of an external force to the brain that results in a change to cognitive, physical, or emotional functioning. The impairments can be temporary or permanent. Types of traumatic brain injury include: * Diffuse axonal injury. Shaking or strong rotation of the head causes brain structures to tear. Nerve tissue is disturbed throughout the brain. * Concussion. Caused by a physical force to the head that causes blood vessels to stretch and cranial nerves to be damaged. * Contusion. A result of a direct impact to the head, which causes bleeding on the brain. * Coup-contrecoup injury. The force to the brain is large enough to cause contusion at the side of impact, as well as the site opposite impact. * Penetration injury. The impact causes a foreign object to penetrate the skull. Acquired Brain Injury An acquired brain injury is an injury to the brain that is not hereditary, congenital, degenerative, or the result of birth trauma. Acquired brain injury generally affects cells throughout the entire brain. Types of acquired brain injury include: • Axnoxic brain injury. This occurs when the brain doesn't receive oxygen.• Hypoxic brain injury. This occurs when the brain receives some, but not enough, oxygen.