

What is tree genetic?

Updated: 12/6/2022
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Q: What is tree genetic?
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What is the genetic code for an oak tree?

The genetic code for an oak tree is more similar to other trees then to an animal.

Why is the genetic code of an oak tree more similar to a mosquito than to an elm tree?

The genetic code of an oak tree is not more similar to a mosquito than to an elm tree. The genetic code refers to the set of rules whereby living cells translate information on development, functioning, growth and reproduction in deoxyribonucleic cid (DNA) and on controlling synthesis in ribonucleic acid (RNA) into proteins. An oak tree, as a woody plant, will have a genetic code that is more similar to an ash, elm or maple tree, as woody plants, than to a chipmunk, mosquito, octopus or squirrel, as animals.

Why does he use this method instead of planting an apple seed from the tree with ideal apples?

The apple seed contains a mixture of genetic material from two trees. The twig contains the genetic material of the parent tree and will eventually produce identical apples.The apple seed will grow into a tree that is not identical to the

What is the chart that is used to trace genetic disorders within falimies?

The family tree or the pedigree is the chart that is used to trace genetic disorders within families.

Is a maple tree a single-celled eukaryote?

Plants, animals, fungi, and protists are all eukaryotes. They have a nuclear membrane surrounding there genetic material. Bacteria and archaea are prokaryokes. They don't have a nuclear membrane surrounding there genetic material. A maple tree is a plant therefore it is a eukaryote.

Why is it advantageous for redwood to reproduce sexually when it could reproduce asexually instead?

It increases the genetic diversity of the tree's offspring.

How are eukaryotic organisms classified on the tree of life is it by their physical characteristics or their genetic make-up e.g. DNA and RNA?

based on the genetic make up (genome) all the organisms including eukaryote are classified.

Determine genetic difference between two organisms on a phylogenetic tree?

Please be more precise about which is the other organism you are referring to.

What is a genetic family tree called?

A family tree is a family tree, regardless of the use to which it is put. Sometimes the term descendancy chart may be used instead. There is a diagram called a Punnet Square that is used to predict an outcome of a particular cross or breeding experiment. It is not, however, a family tree by any stretch of the term.

Why do people use pedigree charts?

People use pedigree charts to help track genetic diseases and traits passed down in their family tree.

Why is the human family tree under constant revision?

One aspect of genetic genealogy looks at the relationships and migration history of groups of people, based on their genetic code. Specific short segments of human DNA, called markers, have been identified that have changed over time. By studying which combinations of markers are found in different groups, geneticists can determine the order in which the changes took place, and begin to put them on a timeline. The different combinations of markers are called haplotypes.This genetic analysis produces a genetic model like an enormous branching tree, with the oldest haplotypes near the trunk and the ones with the most recent changes out at the tips of the branches. This modeling is being done for DNA on the Y-chromosome, which tracks the ancestry of paternal lines, and for mitochondrial DNA, which tracks the ancestry of maternal lines.However, new genetic markers are still being discovered. That is good, because it helps refine the tree, but first, they have to determine where in the tree the new marker fits. Sometimes, the geneticists have to re-arrange some of the branches in their model to fit the new data, so the tree is being continually revised.

What is the question mark in the evolution tree?

There's not just a single question mark in the evolutionary tree of life. Many unknowns remain to us. Some extinct lineages will forever remain unknown, as they'll have left little or no genetic or fossil evidence.The biggest question mark in the tree is perhaps the origin of life itself, which can be found at the root of the tree.