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The force of Earth's gravity on the 4-kg book is stronger than the force of Earth's gravity on the 2-kg book.

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Q: What is true about the pull of Earth's gravity if two books are located 2 m above the surface of the Earth The first has a mass of 4 kg the second has a mass of 2 kg?
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Weaker. The gravity on the surface of Venus is about 8.87 meters per square second; for comparison, on Earth, the gravity is about 9.82 meters per square second.

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9.81 m/s2 gravity is dependant on the total mass of the two bodies, and the distance between their mass centers, and irrespective of any motion or rotation on earth, their would be a very small acceleration due to rotation about the earths axis (0 at the poles , maximum at the equator) , but this is a totally seperate issue

What is normal gravity?

Normal gravity refers to the acceleration due to gravity at the Earth's surface, which is approximately 9.81 meters per second squared. This value is used as a standard reference in various fields, such as engineering and physics, for calculating forces and weights.

Surface gravity on Venus?

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The force of gravity at the surface of Venus is 8.87 meters per second per second, or 8.87 meters per second squared. If you weighed 100 pounds on Earth, you would weigh approximately 91 pounds on Venus.

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Weaker. The gravity on the surface of Venus is about 8.87 meters per square second; for comparison, on Earth, the gravity is about 9.82 meters per square second.

Does Mercury have a strong or weak gravity?

If you mean the acceleration due to gravity on the surface, that's about 3.7 meters per second squared; for comparison, gravity on Earth is 9.8 meters per second squared.