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Beyond their use of hydrogen to make power there are nothing but differences between the two. Fuel cells combine oxygen and hydrogen in a porous membrane to make electricity. Hydrogen fusion takes two hydrogen atoms and fuses them into a helium atom generating heat and several particles.

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Q: What is true of hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen fusion?
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What is true is true regarding hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen fusion?

More mass is converted to energy in a fusion reaction than in a chemical reaction, such as that found in a fuel cell. - APEX

Which of the following is true regarding hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen fusion?

The amount of mass that "disappears" in the fusion of two hydrogen atoms is more than the amount of mass that "disappears" when two atoms are used in a fuel cell.the amount of mass that dissapears.........ect

Is true regarding hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen?

the amount of mass that disappears in the fusion of two hydrogen atoms is morte than the amount of mass that dissappears when two atoms are fully used in a cell

The suns energy comes from a process called what?

fusion; this process fuels the sun with hydrogen

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is it

When two hydrogen nuclei combine to form one helium nucleus fusion has taken place true or false?

Yes it is true. In fusion reactions, two nuclei (not necessarily be hydrogen) combine to form a larger nucleus.

When two hydrogen nuclei combine to form one helium nucleus nuclear fusion has taken place true or false?

Yes it is true. In fusion reactions, two nuclei (not necessarily be hydrogen) combine to form a larger nucleus.

If there are two atoms of oxygen and four atoms of hydrogen before the reaction what will be true after the reaction?

Two water molecules and a release of energy. This is how fuel cells work.

Is hydrogen a fossil fuel?

Hydrogen is not a fossil fuel because it is renewable. Sources of energy that are non-renewable are considered fossil fuels

Fusion is a form of asexual reproduction where two identical cells are form one parent?


True or fase without supernovas there would be no carbon hydrogen or other elements to make life possible?

false. is fusion that creates larger elements from hydrogen and other progenetors.

How come the sun can survive in without oxygen?

The sun is not burning like a true fire. It is powered instead by nuclear fusion, which uses hydrogen.