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Q: What is two identical cells called?
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What is the process of cells dividing into two identical cells?

This process is called mitosis.

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What are two types of cells called?

When a cell reproduces by mitosis, the two identical new cells are called daughter cells.

What are the new cell called?

When a cell reproduces by mitosis, the two identical new cells are called daughter cells.

Identical cells formed during cell division?

when the original cells divides in half and splits, forming two new and identical cells, in a process called mitosis

When two cells with identical genetic information are formed what is it called?

A normal cell.

Does mitosis make cells identical to the original?

Mitosis is the phase when the celldivides into two cells that are identical to the original cell (two identical daughter cells).Hope that helps! :)

Does mitosis result into two identical daughter cells?

noYes it results two identical cells.They are same as mother cells

When a zygote splits into two individual cells the creation of identical cells or what is created?

Identical twins.

How many cells are produced from one cell in mitosis?

2! These 2 cells are then called daughter cells and are exactly identical.

What are the two new cells formed by mitosis?

The two cells that are produced after mitosis are genetically identical because when the DNA is replicated and the cell splits, the two new cells each end up with 46 chromosomes each, but in meiosis the four cells that are produced are not genetically identical as the chromosomes from the mum and the dad have been shuffled around during the stage of meiosis.

What is the number of cells resulting from mitosis?

2 diploid cells