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the master died

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Q: What is two reasons why mongol rule came to an end?
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When did Mongol Empire end?

It ended in 1368 too easy plz do a harder one!!!🤞🤞🤞

How did mongol spread?

They Started Conquering all of what was the Rome and Greek empires. As the Empires were coming to an end.

Why did Roman rule end in Britain?

The Romans pulled out of Britain in the 5th century CE. During this time other barbarian tribes were attacking different parts of the Roman empire and Emperor Honorius decided that the Roman legions were needed elsewhere.

The end of the Roman Republic occurred when what man came to power?

The Roman Republic ended when Caesar Augustus came to power

How did the emperors take over Rome?

Near the end of the Roman Republic, the First Triumvirate was established, consisting of Caesar, Crassus, and Magnus. This did not have any power; it was simply the most powerful men of the time. Julius Caesar was appointed consul, but was also a powerful general, and eventually removed the other men nearing his power and seized control of the republic, being named dictator. This was not the end yet, however, as the senators assassinated him, and the Republic survived. Some time after his death, the Second Triumvirate was established, with Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus. This Triumvirate had the power to do whatever it pleased; Octavian eventually declared war on and defeated Antony, and Lepidus was left in the shadows. Octavian, adopted nephew of Julius Caesar, renamed himself Augustus Caesar and became the first emperor. From this point, the empirical rule was either handed down by kinship or taken by force.