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CEO stands for Chief Executive Officer. Their job description involves all the tasks needed to be in charge of a company. They need to make strategic decisions and oversee management in all areas.

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10y ago
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13y ago

When someone is a CEO, it means he is the Chief Executive Producer of a company. He is in charge of everything in an organization, in other words, he is in total management. He must make sure the company is going in the right direction and has the final say for any big decision. He is also the person who handles most external affairs, and keeps the company from basically falling apart. As for other roles, it really comes down to the company itself; if it is fairly small, he will be taking care of everything when it comes to making decisions, but if the company is very big he may have lower class officers call the shots in different areas and only interfere in their internal affairs if things get off hands.

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9y ago

Chief Executive Officer is called CEO. CEO is generally the most senior corporate officer. CEO means meeting the needs of employees, customers etc.

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9y ago

There are many responsibilities for a chief executive officer, including offering a vision for the company and being a spokesman. CEO's also oversee the employees of the company.

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13y ago

The CEO is ultimately responsible for everything that happens within a company.

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9y ago

A CEO has many responsibilities. They have to make sure that everyone is paid. They also make sure that the company is functioning properly and that everyone is doing their job.

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13y ago

The CEO is ultimately responsible for everything that happens within a company.

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9y ago

The job description of a president of a company is very long and detailed. These people must plan on making a lot of decisions.

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13y ago

CEOs are the top people in a company who have ultimate responsibility for its operation.

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