


Job Descriptions

Often, we have a general idea of what a job entails, but have questions about the specifics. The Job Description will give those specifics, though there might still be questions which can be asked in the job interview. Questions here may connect you with people who work in the field and with first-hand knowledge about the work involved in a specific position.

1,282 Questions

What does a kinesiologist do?

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A kinesiologist is a health professional who specializes in the study of human movement, exercise, and physical activity. They assess, prescribe, and implement exercise programs to help individuals improve their physical health, performance, and overall well-being. Kinesiologists work with a diverse range of clients, including athletes, individuals recovering from injuries, and those looking to improve their fitness levels.

How do you answer describe your strengths in a performance review at work?

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When describing your strengths in a performance review, focus on specific examples of how your strengths have contributed to achieving goals or solving problems at work. Use measurable results or feedback from colleagues to showcase your strengths effectively. Be honest and humble in presenting your strengths, while also expressing a willingness to continue growing and developing in your role.

What are all the different jobs in the world?

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There are countless job roles in the world, spanning various industries such as healthcare, technology, education, finance, and more. Some common job titles include doctor, engineer, teacher, accountant, chef, designer, and marketer. Each job plays a vital role in contributing to the functioning of society.

Objective words to describe a person?

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What learning objective do you feel most confident about and why? Respond in 200 words.

What is the job description of a sports psychologist?

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A sports psychologist helps athletes manage their mental health, emotions, and performance through techniques such as visualization, goal setting, and stress management. They may also work with teams to improve communication, team dynamics, and motivation.

What does a demographer do?

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One who studies the characteristics of people residing in an area, including age, sex, income, educational attainment, race, ethnic origin, religeous affiliation, etc. "A Demographer studies the human population size, density and distribution, movement and birth and death rates."- Biology and its dynamics of life (textbook)

Characteristic features of rural sociology as a profession?

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Rural sociology focuses on studying social structures and processes in rural areas, including agriculture, community dynamics, and rural development. Professionals in this field often work closely with rural communities to understand their unique challenges and provide insights for policy and program development. Key characteristics include a focus on community-based research, local engagement, and a commitment to addressing rural issues and inequalities.

How do you behave with your boss?

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I strive to be respectful, communicative, and proactive with my boss. I make sure to update them regularly on my progress and any challenges I may be facing. I also seek feedback and guidance to ensure I am meeting their expectations.

How do you answer 'What are your requirements for this job'?

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My requirements for this job include a competitive salary, opportunities for growth and development, a supportive work environment, and alignment with the company's values and culture. I also value clear communication, feedback, and a healthy work-life balance.

What do you study in college to become a teacher?

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To become a teacher, you typically study education or a specific subject area such as math, science, or English. You will likely take courses in teaching methods, curriculum development, classroom management, and educational psychology. Additionally, you will gain practical experience through student teaching or internships.

Is BSc Electronics equivalent of Diploma in Electronics?

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No, a 'BSc' is a university degree a 'Bachelor of Science', a diploma is just a certificate, a much, much lower level qualification.

What jobs involve designing houses?

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Several professions involve designing houses, including:

  1. Architect: Architects are professionals who design and plan the construction of buildings, including houses. They work closely with clients to understand their needs and preferences, create detailed drawings and blueprints, and oversee the construction process to ensure that the final structure meets the required standards.

  2. Interior Designer: Interior designers focus on creating functional and aesthetically pleasing interior spaces within houses. They work with clients to select furniture, color schemes, lighting, and decor elements that align with the overall design vision of the house.

  3. Residential Designer: Residential designers specialize in designing homes and residential spaces. They work on creating floor plans, exterior elevations, and interior layouts that reflect the needs and lifestyle of the homeowners.

  4. Home Stager: Home stagers are professionals who specialize in preparing houses for sale by enhancing their appeal to potential buyers. They use design elements and decor to showcase the best features of a house and create a welcoming and attractive environment.

  5. Building Contractor: Building contractors oversee the construction process of houses, working closely with architects and designers to bring their plans to life. They manage the construction crew, ensure that the project stays on schedule and within budget, and coordinate all aspects of the building process.

These are just a few examples of jobs that involve designing houses. Each profession plays a crucial role in creating functional, beautiful, and livable spaces for homeowners.

What the name of an engineer that builds stuff?

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There are a variety of different fields you can take in order to be and engineer who builds stuff. You can check out electrical engineering if you're interested in doing that.

What are stereo typical jobs for women?

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Teacher, secretary, hairdresser, cleaner, fashion designer, cabin crew, Nurse, PA... all the glamorous ones!

What are the duties of an administrative assistant?

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Administrative assistants are responsible for ensuring that all paperwork is in order. Most administrative assistants do payroll, pre-employment and employment paperwork as well as keep all company records in compliance.

What are job duties of an elementary teacher?

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patience, knowledge of education, understanding, organization, instruction, focus, problem solving, expirience with kids. any others?


Regardless of the age or subject matter, a teacher must have/learn these skills:

To be a teacher you have to be: willing to learn, take on many task, extremely flexible with daily schedules, and have patience of gold. Being a teacher does not just mean you work with kids and stand in a classroom and teach. That's the easy part of teaching. That's the fun part of teaching! Teaching requires you to take on many roles such as: janitor-sometimes your class isn't cleaned or there is no cleaning staff so you have to clean it yourself, counselor- listening to students and parents share personal and private life/family events, child advocate- reporting any child abuse or suspected abuse, take on the role of a parent-some parents don't care about their child's education and you may never see or hear from them the entire school year despite poor grades and many calls home, teachable- you should never walk into any teaching position believing you know-it-all... because you don't. There will be curriculum you will have to master, ongoing professional training courses will need to attend, and teacher collaboration meetings where you will learn and share new teaching methods, secetary-answer phone call, return emails, schedule meetings, leave messages, input student scores to district data base and on-line gradebook, correct many many many student assignments, understand state standards and align lessons to appropriate standards, keep bulletin boards in classroom current with student work, allow administrators, parents, and other teachers in your classroom to observe your teaching skills, and most importantly you should have very consistent and well thought classroom management skills. If you are unable to control your classroom and students are not paying attention to your lessons it really doesn't matter how well you do any of the above task because you're not teaching and students aren't learning.

These are only a few skills it takes to be a teacher and if you become one you will find out all the other skills involved. Teaching is a very rewarding career because you do so much and get so little thanks or appreciation back in return. The reward is watching your students succeed and grow into the person you know they can be.

What are the functions of procurement?

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This is specialized purchasing of goods and services.

Work involves coordinating and facilitating the acquisition of goods and services. Duties include reviewing requests and authorizing the purchase of commonly used goods and services; and/or assisting higher level buyers in the preparation of bid invitations, the analysis of bids and the award of contracts.

Standard Classification Factors

Supervision Received - LEVEL C: "Under direction..." Employees at this level usually receive a general outline of the work to be performed and are generally free to develop their own sequences and methods within the scope of established policies. New, unusual, or complex work situations are almost always referred to a superior for advice. Work is periodically checked for progress and conformance to established policies and requirements.

Difficulty - LEVEL B: Average - Where the employee is confronted with a variety of duties susceptible to different methods of solution which, in turn, places a correspondingly higher demand upon resourcefulness and concentration. Positions which require the analysis and evaluation of raw data and the rendering of conclusions would, in many instances, fall into this category.

Complexity - LEVEL C: Work is of a standardized nature that may involve a variety of duties. Analytical thought becomes more important at this level due to increased data and changing situations. Tasks usually have several steps, some of which may not be directly related. Alternatives may exist for processes or methods to be used in solving problems. Workers at this level exercise a moderate amount of independent judgment. Work is controlled by routine review and reporting to or consultation with supervisors. When guidelines exist at this level, they tend to be more complicated or technical in nature requiring careful interpretation.

Consequences of Actions and Decisions - LEVEL C: Consequences of actions or decisions at this level are limited in scope and effect as the work is reviewed occasionally. Errors may cause moderate inefficiency. Costs due to errors may be significant.

Contacts - LEVEL B: The purpose of the contact is to plan, coordinate and advise on work efforts, interpret guidelines or instructions, elicit opinions or give guidance on the basis of facts to resolve common issues or problems when the information is not sensitive in nature or the individuals or groups are working toward mutual goals and have basically cooperative attitudes. Well developed communication skills are required.

Physical Demands - LEVEL A: The work is predominantly sedentary and requires minimal or negligible physical exertion. The employee is normally seated; however, the nature of the work allows for periods of standing or walking at will.

Environmental Conditions - LEVEL A: The work environment involves normal everyday hazards or discomforts typical of offices, meeting and training rooms, or libraries. Comfortable levels of temperature, ventilation, lighting and sound are inherent in the work environment. Exposure to deviations from pleasant environmental conditions is only occasional. The likelihood of injury is remote.

Supervision/Leadership - LEVEL B: Involves functional leadership responsibility. As a "senior worker", performing essentially the same or similar work as those overseen, responsibility includes training, instructing, scheduling and reviewing. As a "project leader" may be responsible for a phase(s) of a single project which includes planning, coordinating and reviewing the work of others. This level may also involve limited administrative responsibility such as participating in the evaluation of work performance.

Distinguishing Features

Differs from the Procurement Officer II class which involves purchasing or contract procurement of a broad range of goods and services from items of common use to technical or scientific supplies and equipment.


Places or approves purchase orders for goods and services. Requisitions goods and services from statewide contracts.

Purchases goods and services within established limits as provided by the Division of Purchases. Contacts suppliers for price quotes; prepares requisitions and affixes authorizing signature before ordering. Checks accuracy of funding information.

Reviews and approves purchases for amounts greater than authorized prior to referral to the Division of Purchases; confers with agency personnel or vendors prior to preparing specifications to describe the items desired; makes recommendations to a higher level buyer.

Informs agency personnel of purchasing procedures and regulations; maintains purchasing records.

Contacts vendors or agency representatives to obtain availability and product information or to solicit bids; develops requests for quotations; and confers with vendors concerning new products, damaged goods, delayed payments or related information.

Assists higher level buyers with the selection of bidders, public bid openings, preliminary bid evaluation, brand comparisons and final award of bids.

Conducts research concerning new products and general commodity requirements.

May supervise the work of support staff processing requisitions.



*Knowledge of basic business principles.

Knowledge of state contracting laws, regulations and procedures.

Knowledge of modern office methods, equipment and practices.

Knowledge of purchasing methods and procedures in an assigned field.


*Ability to gather information regarding the type and specifics of merchandise needed by the agency.

*Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with vendors, departmental officials and the public.

Ability to present detailed reports of findings and recommendations, both orally and in writing.

How much does the average walmart employee make?

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It differs at each location, probably based on minimum wage laws.

Greeter/Floor Sales Representative - $6.98 - $12.18 per hour

Cahier - $7.30 - $10.40 per hour

Retail Store Assistant Manager - $42,134 per year

Retail Store Manager - $60,326 per year

Retail Pharmacist - $106,138 per year

Department Manager, Retail Store - $29,211 per year

Customer Service Sales Associate - $7.79 - $12.75 per hour

Laborer, Freight, Stock, Material Mover - $7.35 - $14.90 per hour

What is job description for wholesale manager?

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  • Provide staff with assistance in performing difficult or complicated duties.
  • Hire, train, and evaluate personnel.
  • Plan and prepare work schedules, and assign employees to specific duties.
  • Attend company meetings to exchange product information and coordinate work activities with other departments.
  • Confer with company officials to develop methods and procedures to increase sales, expand markets, and promote business.
    • Monitor sales staff performance to ensure that goals are met.
    • Listen to and resolve customer complaints regarding services, products, or personnel.
    • Prepare sales and inventory reports for management and budget departments.
    • Direct and supervise employees engaged in sales, inventory-taking, reconciling cash receipts, or performing specific services, such as pumping gasoline for customers.
    • Coordinate sales promotion activities, such as preparing merchandise displays and advertising copy.
    • Analyze details of sales territories to assess their growth potential and to set quotas.
    • Keep records pertaining to purchases, sales, and requisitions.
    • Formulate pricing policies on merchandise according to profitability requirements.
    • Visit retailers and sales representatives to promote products and gather information.
    • Examine merchandise to ensure correct pricing and display, and that it functions as advertised.
    • Inventory stock and reorder when inventories drop to specified levels.
    • Examine products purchased for resale or received for storage to determine product condition.
    • Prepare rental or lease agreements, specifying charges and payment procedures for use of machinery, tools, or other items.

Is Principle consultant or Senior Consultant the higher position?

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Principal is higher. The position is more like a manager type of consultant. They are very in-depth with the technology, but now more then not, manage the seniors or provide guidance to the seniors.

The title should be principal, not principle.

What is the job description of a finance assistant?

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Assistant Accountants assist in the day-to-day running of the Accounts Office. They help the Key Assistant Accountant and Production Accountant to maintain records of invoices and creditors' payments. They keep records of all transactions, and are usually responsible for the preparation of accounts payable, invoices and purchase orders, and petty cash and payroll calculation. Assistant Accountants also process cheques, maintain filing and invoice monitoring systems, and audit petty cash envelopes - as well as carrying out other duties assigned by the Production Accountant.

On larger productions the Production Accountant may hire additional Assistant Accountants and Accounts Trainees, who are responsible for data entry, processing cheques, filing, and auditing petty cash envelopes. Different Assistants are assigned to each of these tasks, e.g., one Assistant Accountant may carry out the duties of the central cashier, while another Assistant Accountant may be responsible for all the accounts payable.

What do you call a female servant?

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A female servant has many job descriptions that determine what she's called:

  • maid
  • housekeeper
  • cook
  • personal secretary
  • social secretary
  • gardener
  • groom (for horses)
  • manager (for large households)
  • personal maid (ladies maid)
  • traveling companion

What exactly does a mortician have to do?

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Morticians embalm bodies and deal with all aspects of funerals. It runs the full gamut from establishing the contract with the family, picking the body up from the hospital or morgue, embalming the body, preparing it for the funeral, helping the family select a casket, to getting the cemetery plot prepared and the vault installed or alternately arranging for a cremation.