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Q: What is undefined nuclear region of prokaryotes?
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Do prokaryotes have nucleus?

no thats what prokaryotes means - "before nucleus"

Does the nuclear envelope have prokaryotes?

No, prokaryotes don't have neclear envelopes in them either.

What cell has no nuclear membrane?


How can prokaryotes be identified?

they have no nucleus or nuclear membrane

Are plants animals and bacteria prokaryotes?

Plants, fungi and animals are eukaryotic. Bacteria are prokaryotic. Prokaryotes lack nuclear membranes and organelles.

Do prokaryotes have a nuclear membrane?

No. Prokaryotic cells do not have nuclear membrane, nor any membrane-bound organelle.

What do prokaryotes have in common?

They both have a cell membrane, ribosomes, and DNA (although in the prokaryotic cell, it is just a "nucleoid region" while the eukaryotic cell contains the nucleus, nuclear envelope, Nucleolus, etc.

Is nuclear membrane found in cells?

No it does not, reason being prokaryotes do not contain a nucleus.

Why prokaryotes do not need nuclear envelope?

Prokaryotic cells do not need a nuclear envelope because the prokaryotic cells do not have a well defined nucleus.

Bacteria have a nucleus with a nuclear membrane?

No. Bacteria are prokaryotes and therefore have no membrane-bound nucleus.

What structure identifies a eukaryote as a eukaryote?

There is no nuclear envelope that encloses the genetic material in prokaryotes.

Is nuclear membrane found in prokaryotic cells?

No it does not, reason being prokaryotes do not contain a nucleus.