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Underlying conflict refers to the hidden or subconscious reasons for a disagreement or tension between individuals or groups. It often stems from unaddressed issues, differing values, or unresolved emotions that are not openly communicated. Recognizing and addressing the underlying conflict is crucial for effective conflict resolution.

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Q: What is underlying conflict?
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What are the importance of studying conflict in your contemporary world?

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How is conflict resolved?

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What is the conflict of the Pardoner's Tale?

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What does primary conflict mean?

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What is a Basis of a Conflict?

A basis of a conflict refers to the underlying cause or issue that leads to tension or disagreement between parties. It can stem from differences in values, interests, goals, or perceptions. Identifying and addressing the basis of a conflict is essential for finding a resolution and promoting better understanding among the involved parties.

Conflict internal the girl in hill like ehite elephans?

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