

What is unintended pregnancy?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Pregnancy that wasn't intended (wasn't meant to happen)

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Q: What is unintended pregnancy?
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Yes, it is possible. Watch both females for signs of pregnancy and consult with your veterinarian.

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No, lithium is not a contraceptive and does not prevent pregnancy. It is important for individuals taking lithium to use appropriate forms of contraception to avoid unintended pregnancy. Consulting a healthcare provider about contraceptive options while on lithium is recommended.

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The Unintended was created in 2004.

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When was Unintended created?

Unintended was created in 1999-04.

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IUD's are around 99+% effective against unintended pregnancies, thus the risk of pregnancy is increadibly low. Breast tenderness does not equate to pregnancy, it could be a reaction to hormones in the IUD or breast growth.

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If you have acne, treat with acne medications. Acne is less troublesome for most women than unintended pregnancy. If that's not the case for your, seek a different method.

When a woman stops her cycle can she still get pregnant?

No, if a woman has no menstrual cycle then she cannot get pregnant. The menstrual cycle includes ovulation, no ovulation means no pregnancy. This is how hormonal Birth Control such as the combination pill works, it suppresses the menstrual cycles in order to stop ovulation to prevent unintended pregnancy.