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It is called a byte

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2d ago

The unit of information stored in a computer is typically the bit, which represents a binary value of either 0 or 1. Data is stored and processed in computer systems using combinations of bits, with larger units such as bytes, kilobytes, and megabytes representing collections of bits.

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Q: What is unit of information stored in a computer?
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How does a computer read and interpret information?

A computer reads and interprets information through its central processing unit (CPU) which executes instructions stored in its memory. These instructions are represented in binary code (0s and 1s) and are translated by the CPU into signals that control the computer's hardware components to perform tasks and processes.

What is a collection of data stored in one unit?

A database is a collection of data stored in one unit. It organizes information in a structured format, allowing for efficient storage, retrieval, and management of data for various purposes.

What is the method for getting information out of the computer?

To retrieve information from a computer, you can use various methods such as browsing the internet, accessing files and folders on the computer's storage, running commands in the terminal, using applications to extract data, or connecting to external storage devices. Each method depends on the type of information you need and how it is stored on the computer.

What is meant by information density?

Information density refers to the amount of information that can be stored in a given space or medium. It is a measure of how much data can be efficiently packed into a specific area or volume, usually measured in bits per unit area or volume. Higher information density means more data can be stored in a confined space.

How old is personal information that is found via searching on a computer?

The age of personal information found on a computer depends on when it was last updated or accessed. The information could be recent if it was accessed recently, or it could be older if it has not been updated for a long time. It is important to consider the last modification date or time stamp to determine the age of the personal information.

Related questions

Can you define what is a computer data?

computer data is the information which is being processed or one can say stored in the memory of the central processing unit.

How information is stored on a computer?

It is stored on a hard disk drive.

Where would the information be stored to start a computer?

Some is stored in ROM; most of the information is typically stored on the hard disk, from where it is loaded into RAM.

Where the information need to start a computer be stored?

Some is stored in ROM; most of the information is typically stored on the hard disk, from where it is loaded into RAM.

What information in the computer is stored on my magnetic cylinders?

Information is stored in the computer's hard drive, which is a magnetic disk read by lasers.

What information is stored inside the magnetic cylinder a computer?

Any information you want.

What is the name of the device where the operating system is stored?

The device where the operating system is stored on a computer is called the CPU. CPU stands for Central Processing Unit and is the heart of the computer.

How can a computer remember things?

A computer stores information in form of bits, in different ways. For example, on a hard disk, where your information is stored in the long term, the information is stored through magnetization, while on a CD, of the printed type, each bit of information is stored by the presence or absence of a hole.

What do the inter face of the the computer do?

Allow you to view the information stored on a computer or storage device.

What kind of information is stored in a computer's memory?

Data and files

When does a computer forget all the information that is stored in the computer RAM?

Your computer erases the RAM when it is shut down.

Is it possible for incorect data to be stored in a computer system?

It is possible for wrong or incorrect information to be stored in a computer system. There are national laws in many countries that say that the information about you is either correct or you have the right to correct that information