

What is univerese?

Updated: 12/7/2022
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9y ago

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The universe is all existing matter and space considered as the cosmos. It is at least 10 billion light years in diameter,

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Q: What is univerese?
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What does bing bang mean?

U mean big bang? if its is its means the univerese is made or destroyed in a big bang

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i dont know but copy and paste and follow me

What is the center of the univerese?

the universe is isotropic & homogeneous, meaning there is no center. the observable universe has a center, which is the part of the universe we can see. we are at the center of the observable universe.

What is at the center of the univerese?

the universe is isotropic & homogeneous, meaning there is no center. the observable universe has a center, which is the part of the universe we can see. we are at the center of the observable universe.

First black hole?

scientists think that the Big Bang which generated the univerese waas the consequence of the explosion of a massive black hole. so the big bang

Is it true that hydrogen is the most abundant element in the univerese?

Yes, it is true. It is thought to account for 75% of the mass of the known universe.

How many planets in your univerese?

The number of planets is not known. The number of stars is not known either, nor if all have planetary systems. Certainly many billions of billions.