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hydrogen sulfde

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Q: What is used as an energy source by certain bacteria living near ocean vents?
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What is used an energy source by certain bacteria living near ocean vents?

hydrogen sulfide

Why does bacteria grow on sugar?

Only certain bacteria can grow on sugar (sucrose). In order for a bacteria to be able to grow on sugar a certain level of moisture must be present along with the ability to absorb sugar as a food/energy source.

The primary source of energy for living organisms?

the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms is the sun

What organic compound Is a main source of energy for living things?

glucose is the source of energy for all living things.

How are photoautotrophs and photoheterotrophs?

Photoautotrophs: Bacteria that use sunlight as their energy source and carbon dioxide (as part of photosynthesis) as their carbon source. These bacteria thus obtain all their nourishment through photosynthesis Photoheterotrophs: Bacteria that use sunlight as their energy source and organic compounds from the environment as their carbon source.

What do bacteria that are saprophytes use as a food and energy source?


Bacteria that use sunlight as an energy source are considered?


What do all living things require a source of?

All living things require a source of energy.

What is the meaning of autotrops?

You might mean Autotroph. An organism capable of self-nourishment by using inorganic materials as a source of nutrients and using photosynthesis or chemosynthesis as a source of energy, as most plants and certain bacteria and protists.

How does glucose concentration affect the growth of bacteria?

the greater the conentraion, the faster the growth of bacteria. it is an energy source.

What is the main source of energy for living things?

sunlightThe sun is the main source of energy on planet Earth.

What is the most used source of energy on earth?

The sun. Without the sun humans would be extinct and so would all other living matter except for maybe bacteria.