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Q: What is used for detecting cracks in underground pipes?
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What is high density polythene used for?

Pipes. It is used for alot of underground storm, sewer or freshwater pipes by cities.

Underground pipes are used to circulate water or air to produce this type of energy?

Underground pipes are used to circulate water or air to produce geothermal energy. It is thermal energy generated and stored in the Earth.

What is the name of the pipes used by oil companies underground?

They are called gas lines.

Underground pipes are used to circulate water or air to produce what type of energy?

Geothermal Energy

Can Victaulic coupling be used for undrground buried pipes?

Victaulic products have a long history of being used on underground piping systems.

What is the term used by geoligests for water that soaks in the ground fills the openings in the soil and trickles into cracks and spaces in layers of rock?

The underground water that fills opening in soil and cracks in layers of rocks is called ground water.

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Actually it is Detecting an Enemy Craft and Answer is RADAR

Why would copper be used for plumbing rather than iron?

Copper is relatively light weight, hard to crack, and solders beautifully when attaching fittings. Steel is heavier, and cannot be soldered, so all fitting are threaded. Both types of pipe material are getting fairly expensive, so many water pipes these days are made of polypropylene plastic. In fact, iron is only used for large size pipes . . . usually underground, but not always. Most modern underground pipes are made of PVC, or polyvinyl-chloride. ABS or acrylo-nitrile-butadiene-styrene is often used for non-pressure pipes like drainage pipes, for instance.

What can duct tape do for you?

MANY things. Duct tape can seal cracks in ducting - it's original purpose. It can join different pipes and seal them. It can be used to attach a number of things together.

What force allows water to arrive at your house from the water treatment plant?

The hydraulic force of water allows water to be transported in the pipes. Hydraulic force from the water treatment plant is used to pump the water vertically across the underground pipes. Then, another hydraulic force pumps the water from underground to the storey that you are living in horizontally up.

Which type of joint is used in underground pipe?

There are many different kinds of underground pipes and each has their own way of joining to the next piece. Many will have a 'neck' that fits into a larger ring on the next piece, but there are other methods too.

What is a waterpipe?

The term "waterpipe" is usually used when talking plumbing. It is a term that refers to a pipe that supplies fresh water to a water heater, water softener, faucet, etc. The term can also be applied to the large pipes that carry fresh water throughout a city underground. Pipes can be steel or copper. The term "waterpipe" is never used to refer to the pipes in a house that carry waste water. These would be sewer pipes.