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spectral analysis

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Furman Metz

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Q: What is used to help humans determine temperature of the stars?
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What used to help humans determine the temperature of stars?

spectral analysis

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The light from stars are used to determine what?

The light from stars can tell us what type of star it is (our Sun is a G type), the stars spectrum can tell us what elements are in the star, and its intristic brightness can help us determine how far away it is. Also, if there is a wobble in the star, or a change it the stars brightness can tell us if it has a planet.

Why is the characteristic of climate regularity important For humans?

Climate regularity is extremely important for humans. This is because humans do not have fur or bodily sources to help keep extreme temperature in or out.

How did an astrolabe help sailors?

An astrolabe helped sailors because it could determine any direction based on the position of the stars. This is why the astrolabe helped sailors.

Why does karana use the stars to help her navigate?

Karana uses the stars to help her navigate because they provide a reliable and fixed point of reference in the night sky. By observing the positions of certain stars, she can determine her direction and make sure she is heading towards her destination. This knowledge helps her stay on course and avoid getting lost at sea.

When humans sweat water releases heat?

A human sweats in order to help reduce their body temperature. The sweat evaporates off the skin and so reduces body temperature.

Do temperature and rainfall help to determine which animals plants and insects you will find in a tropical rain forest?

Temperatures and rainfall help determine which animals, plants, and insects you will find in a tropical rain forest. Each species uses the environmental conditions to its benefit.

When humans sweat water releases heat called?

A human sweats in order to help reduce their body temperature. The sweat evaporates off the skin and so reduces body temperature.

Which instrument could help you decide which coat to wear to school?

A thermometer can help you decide which coat to wear to school by giving you information on the temperature outside. This can help you determine if you need a heavier or lighter coat for the weather.