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Q: What is used to import graphic from a web?
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What is graphic media?

Graphic media refers to the making of creative work used in marketing and business advertising. It is an overall term used to describe logo design, web design, and graphic design.

What is a graphic web design used for?

Many people who create their own site for their business or personal use would have to have some knowledge in graphic web design. Many Colleges offer courses in this.

What graphic formats is used on the web?


Is a graphic or picture that is not part of the HTML file?

If a graphic or picture, not a part of HTML, you can import them. Putting them in the same folder will make them work.

Write any 2 differences between graphical and text web browsers?

A text-based web browser is a web browser that provides the only text of web pages and ignores any graphic content. A graphic browser is used to display images in line with text instead of displaying images in a separate window.

What are two practical uses for adobe illustrator?

Graphic Design, Animations. You can design logo, web site, book cover, presentation and so on. You can also design characters and import them in Flash for animations. You asked for two.

What is web or cluster diagram?

A Graphic Organizer

What is a web or cluster or diagram?

A Graphic Organizer

What awards are offered for best web design among graphic designers?

There are many awards offered for best web design amongst graphic designers. CSS Awards, Webby Awards, FWA Awards, and Best Web Awards offer awards for graphic designers.

What is the purpose of a web or cluster diagram?

Its a graphic organizer, Used for organizing writing topics.

Is it true google doesn't like flash pictures at the top of a web page?

Probably, noone likes flash when used to display graphic content within web-pages.

What are vector designs used for?

Vectors graphic designs are used to represent images on computers. More information on this topic can be found on online web resources such as Wikipedia.