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An apostrophe is used to show that letters were dropped in a contraction.

I should not yell at my husband.

I shouldn't yell at my husband.

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Q: What is used to show that letters were dropped in a contraction?
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Related questions

What punctuation is used to shows that letters were dropped in contraction?

An apostrophe

What is the contraction for the word she will?

Contraction word for she will: she'll

What punctuation is used to show that letters were dropped in a contract?

An apostrophe

What punctuation mark is used to show where letters are missing in a contraction and to from possessive words?

The apostrophe.

Do you use an apostrophe to show possession?

Yes. The apostrophe is used to show possession, such as in "the dog's collar". it is also used in a contraction to indicate missing letters, such as in "can't", where the letters n and o are missing.

What punctuation mark is used to show the possessive form of a noun and is used to show that a letter or letters have been left out of a contraction?

An apostrophe is used to show possession and contractions. The apostrophe is used to show the possessive form of a noun and is use also used to form contractions.

What is it when one or more letters are omitted and an apostrophe is used?

A contraction.

What is it called when one or more letters is ommited and an apostrophe is used?

A contraction

What are apostrophes used for?

Apostrophes are used for showing that letters have been taken out of a word or contraction (like in don't, the contraction of do and not, where the o in not has been taken out, or in get 'em, to show that 'em means them), or to show ownership or possession (like in Maxwell's hammer, where the 's shows that the hammer belongs to Maxwell, or in those girls' idea, to show that the idea belongs to those girls).

Why is an apostrophe used in a contraction?

An apostrophe is used in a contraction to represent that letters have been removed. In the word can't the apostrophe is taking the place of the letters "no". In the word don't the apostrophe is also taking the place of the letter "o".

What is used to replace letters omitted in a contraction?

An apostrophe ( ' ) - as when cannot becomes can't

What is the proper contraction for the word Madam?

The contraction for madam is ma'am.Example: Excuse me ma'am, you've dropped your glove.The contraction ma'am should only be used when speaking. Always use the full form when addressing someone specific, such as Madam Chairman or Dear Madam.