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will the best thing to do for this is to buy the book of rayan maboloc.... for the students who had this project , jeje kau ni sya! , makahurot og hurot og English grave!... -mr. jeje-

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Q: What is utilitarian perspective on what is right or wrong?
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What ethical theory views all your behavior from an ethical perspective is?

Utilitarian Theory

What is an ethical perspective?

in other words an "ethical perspective " is an moral view. ---- e.g. an ethical perspective of abortion is that abortion is wrong because it is morally wrong to end a life before it has even had a chance to life.

What is the Utilitarian framework for resolving ethical dilemmas that have no obvious right answer?

According to the Utilitarian framework, the most ethically sound decision is the one that produces the most good for the greatest number of people.

Which is correct 'a utilitarian outlook' or 'an utilitarian outlook'?

The correct spelling is 'A utilitarian outlook' because the 'u' from utilitarian sounds like a consonant and therefore you use the article 'a'.

What is a sentence using utilitarian?

I used utilitarian in a sentence

What is a Utilitarian buyer?

Utilitarian is of, relating to, or in the interests of utility considerations in industrial design. An utilitarian buyer is someone that wants to by utilities for an industry.

What is the opposite of utilitarian?

Impractical or unnecessary. Those words are the opposite of utilitarian.

What is utilitarian art?

utilitarian art is that art which art has utility on the market and individuals. utilitarian art also a design. but performin or visual art is not.

What word if spelled wrong is right but if spelled right is wrong?

The word is 'wrong'. Wrong is right if spelt wrong and if wrong is spelt right it is still wrong

Why does this site give wrong answers?

Because it is a wiki and anyone can provide an answer. Sometimes they provide answers which are wrong because they do not know the right answer. Sometimes there is an element of opinion in the question and so there is more than one possible perspective which can be addressed in the answer. Sometimes this site gives the right answer but the person asking the question refuses to believe it is right!

What would a utilitarian analysis of immigration consider?

A utilitarian anallydis of immigration would consider

What is the proper definition of utilitarian?

Utilitarian refers to an object that is very useful to you but lacks a very good visual appearance. An object that is designed to be used rather than looked at is utilitarian.