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Q: What is venous inflammation in legs?
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Tip the bed head down for venous return?

No, lift legs for venous return. Make sure legs are above heart. You do this for shock or bleeding.

What is the medical term meaning Inflammation of a vein with a thrombus?

Thrombophlebitis is the medical term meaning a clot forms in a vein, and inflammation around the vein results.thrombophlebitis

What is the medical term meaning abnormal circulatory condition characterized by decreased return of venous blood from the legs to the trunk of the body?

venous insufficiency

Sentence with the word inflammation?

Exzema can result in inflammation on the arms, legs, and, neck.

How is venous insufficiency treated?

Periodic elevation of legs and bed rest can help with leg swelling

Why does walking prevent stagnation of blood in the legs?

The venous circulation of the legs requires muscle contractions to assist with blood return. Walking helps provide this muscle contraction.

What causes venous ulcer?

Venous ulcer are caused by venous insufficiency (improper functioning of venous valves).

How can i use the word phlebitis in a sentence?

Phlebitis is the inflammation of a vein, especially in the legs. An example sentence would be: Her phlebitis makes her legs hurt really bad.

How is venous insufficiency diagnosed?

Vein walls are weakened and valves are damaged. The legs will swell and redden. Pain will also be present.

What are possible complications of sclerotherapy?

Venous thrombosis. A potentially serious complication, thrombosis refers to the formation of blood clots in the veins. Severe inflammation. Pain after the procedure lasting several hours or days.

Does venous in venous Doppler get capitalized?

No. Venous is simply a modifier to the brand name Doppler.

What can be the cause that your legs get very or extremaly swell?

There are several causes of edema of the legs, these causes are water retention, venous insufficiency, malnutrition/kwashiorkor, congestive heart failure, kidney failure, cellulitis. Immediate doctor's attention is needed.