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Q: What is voodoo power?
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Why do people participate in voodoo?

I'm not sure because I have never done voodoo and I never plan on it. However, I believe that humans are obsessed with power and I think that voodoo is a way of them thinking they have power.

Can voodoo kill?

Voodoo only has power over those who believe it has power. It has very strong powers of suggestion and psychological influence.

How do you hook up a digitech whammy to voodoo lab pedal power 2?

You can't. You have to use the pedal's AC adapter or a Voodoo Lab Pedal Power AC. Pedal Power 2 is a DC unit; the Whammy is an AC unit.

How do you stop the voodoo doll from its evil?

Voodoo dolls nor Voodoo have no power over any person unless they allow it to do so.

Is the 2011 voodoo or the 2011 cf4 better?

depends on what kind of hitter you ar if you are a power hitter i would use a cf4 if your a contact leadoff hitter with speed definitly use the voodoo

What if you cut a voodoo head off....what effects the person?

I think so. I mean, if you poke them, it hurts, so wouldn't it be the relevant answer to think that you would croak if your voodoo doll's head got cut off? i think so. <><><><><> Voodoo has no power beyond what the recipient gives it.

What are some good products from Voodoo Lab?

Some good products from Voodoo Lab are: Sparkle Drive MOD, wahzoo, microvibe, super fuzz, proctavia, pedal power mondo, pedal power 4x4, pedal switcher, control switcher, to name a few.

What do voodoo people beleve in?


Is Voodoo dolls related to Vodun voodoo religion?

Personalized Voodoo Dolls are sometimes used in conjures in the Voodoo and Vodun religions.

What is the Finnish word 'voodoo' in English?

The Finnish word voodoo means voodoo in English.

Correct spelling of voodoo?

Voodoo or Voudo.

How can voodoo work?

Voodoo works if you have faith that it does.