

What is water fungus?

Updated: 11/5/2022
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12y ago

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it is fungi it is fungi it is fungi

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Q: What is water fungus?
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Air and water help fungus grow.

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trench foot when water forms fungus from being constantly submerged and the fungus eats your feet

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For the most part, yes. Ringworm is a fungus and it hates the salt water! It dries the fungus up and it may start to peel-which is a good sign.

Is water mold a fungus-like protist?

yes., yes it is.,

What sprouts out of the ground it needs water to grow and you can eat it but its not a plant?

Fungus like Mushrooms sprout out of the ground and need water to grow and you can eat some kinds of Mushroom but it is a Fungus not a Plant

Do fungus need water and sunshine to grow?

no fungi does not need sunlght if you are talking about mushrooms or moss or kelp. you should have learned that in school. sincerly,bradley

Can you kill toe fungus on clippers with hot water?

boiling water maybe, but alcohol is best.

How can fungus help orchids grow?

Fungi help orchids (and other plants) by providing water and nutrients. In orchids, specifically, the fungi associate with the seedlings. Fungal hyphae are much better than roots at discovering and absorbing nutrients and water in the soil (or whatever medium the plant is in). The water and nutrients are taken up by the fungus and transported to the orchid. If the relationship is mutualistic, then the fungus gets sugars in exchange. If it is not, then the fungus gets nothing.

Is a water snail animal like plant like or fungus like?

it is like a blend between all but mostly fungus like according to my textbook from Stanford

The fungus provides the algae or autotrophic bacteria with?

The answer is: Obtaining water and minerals