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Q: What is water soluble nutrients?
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What is nutrition and what are the different kind of nutrients. Give a short description of all the types?

they are water soluble and fat soluble

Does fat carry the water-soluble nutrients?

Yes, fat carries water soluble vitamins and nutrients. However, they are not as beneficial because fat is often full of water, so the nutrients are "diluted."

Why should the chemicals in fertilisers be soluble in water?

Because "dissolved in water" is about the only way that nutrients can get into the roots and on into the plant.

What does fat souble mean?

I'm assuming that meant "fat soluble" and it's a typo in the question?Fat-soluble basically refers to the ability of a nutrient to dissolve in fat as opposed to those which dissolve in water (water-soluble). In nutrition we usually ascribe this term to the solubility of nutrients, most oftenly vitamins, in the bloodstream.All vitamins are either water soluble or fat soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins cannot be absorped in water and because of this they need the availability of bile from the lymphatic system to enable them to dissolve in the blood stream.Fat soluble vitamins: A,D,E, and K.water soluble vitamins: B's and C.Fat soluble nutrients, unlike water soluble nutrients, don't need to be consumed with the same regularity because they can be stored in adipose tissue (fatty layers under skin) and in the liver.I hope this has shed some light on your question, if I can help further just holler.

What does the large intestine do during the digestive process?

It reabsorbs water and soluble nutrients into the bloodstream, leaving faeces.

What nutrients in food are most vulnerable to losses during food handling and preparation?

water soluble vitamins

What nutrients are in yams?

Vitamins are essential nutrients your body needs in small amounts for various roles in the human body. Vitamins are divided into two groups: water-soluble (B-complex and C) and fat-soluble (A, D, E and K).

What are the six major nutrients in the food pyramid?

All of the nutrients needed to support good health are found in the foods in the healthy food pyramid -- proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water, water soluble and fat soluble vitamins minerals including micronutrients, and phytochemicals. ermm iloveyou!

Is chlorine a water-soluble or fat-soluble?

Water soluble.

What is an apoplast?

An apoplast is a space outside of a plant's plasma membrane through which water and soluble nutrients are transported across a tissue or organ.

What nutrients in foods are most vulnerable to losses during food handling and preparation?

Water-soluble vitamins

How are fat soluble and water soluble absorbed?

fat soluble vitamins are stored in our fat tissues and water soluble vitamins are soluble in water.