

What is waterproof on a tent?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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to the best of my knowledge the only thing on an previously "untreated" tent would be the tarpaulin floor material. The fabric that makes up the b"body" of the tent isn't truly waterproof when "untreated"( a waterproofing solution). The fabric will shed water but will wick through on contact from the opposite side.

So if a tent isn't treated with a waterproofing product the only part inherently waterproof would be the floor.

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Q: What is waterproof on a tent?
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just spray it with the same stuff that you would spray a tent with. go to the local sporting good store and get a can of waterproofing for a tent. it's that easy.

How do you waterproof a tent?

There are various products available to waterproof a tent and its floor. Check out these sites for ideas and options: AND AND Puchase a waterproofing spray. This is usually sold in a can in a camping goods store. Follow the directions carefully. Make sure to apply thoroughly to the tent floor. Also make sure to mae sure the tent material is adequately covered with the product, following the directions of the product you purchased.

Where may a person purchase a waterproof tent for kids online?

The best place to purchase a waterproof kids' tent is through a mass online retailer such as Amazon, or through the websites of sporting good suppliers such as REI.

What are some good tenting products to use in the rain?

A waterproof tent is a good tenting product to use in the rain. The tent should repel the rain, and not let the rain soak through.

3000 mm waterproof what does this mean?

that you are unlikely to get wet in the tent. basically, at 3000mm the tent is rainproof but not water proof. so if it rains heavily, you will be fine, as long as you don't put extensive pressure on the tent walls. but if you submerge your tent in water, it will not be able to keep the water out. the higher the mm, the more water proof the tent will be. 3000mm is very good.

How do you set a tent?

Clear the ground, lay out your waterproof ground cloth, place tent on top, spread out so that spikes will not pierce the moisture barrier. Drive tent spikes in such a manner as to tauten the floor (base) of the tent. Unzip (if necessary) the door and climb inside, raising first one wall to set up interior tent posts (legs), then the other. Tie outside of roof to trees if windy conditions are expected. Practice AT LEAST FIVE TIMES at home before you try this at night in the woods. Enjoy!

HOW DO YOU use waterproof in a sentence?

my watch was waterproof. My eyelkiner isn't waterproof and we're swimming today! I have waterproof mascara! The waterproof camera can take underwater pictures! The waterproof safe can be stored underwater!

Is the at 19 waterproof action camera waterproof?

If they say its waterproof then im pretty sure its waterproof , they would'nt say that it is waterproof if it isn't cause then they will be getting all those waterproof camera's back!