

What is weak pulse?

Updated: 12/9/2022
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13y ago

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A weak pulse is a faint or suppressed hearbeat.

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Q: What is weak pulse?
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What causes weak pulse?

the heart beats faster than usual and the pulse is very weak, why is that?

What can cause weak pulse?

the heart beats faster than usual and the pulse is very weak, why is that?

Why does the pulse become weak as a result of blood loss?

as it loses blood it loses what it has to pulse so you don't have a pulse that is much stronger than the you had

What is a good sentence for pulse?

The patient's pulse was weak and irregular. After medication, the patient's pulse was strong and regular at 88 beats per minute.

Is a strong weak rhythm in 3 or 4 time?

Three time is triple meter with a recurring pulse pattern of Strong/weak/weak. Four time is a duple meter with recurring pulse patterns of Strong/weak/less strong/weak. So . . . strong weak rhythm would fall into the duple meter pattern - to feel this for yourself, tap the rhythms on your knee or a table top until you feel the pulse pattern internally.

What observations should be noted and recorded when you take a patient's pulse?

When taking a pulse you need to pay attention to the rate of the pulse (how fast/slow?) and the quality of the pulse (how weak/strong?).

What would it mean if a doctor says you have a thready pulse in your foot?

A thready pulse is a weak pulse; so weak that it is very hard to find. This could be due to heart disease or injury. It could also be due to naturally fine veins and arteries.

How do you reassemble a pulse R71?

Why would you want to, get another gun, it is a very weak gun, buy the pulse R76 or just send the gun in with your warranty.


an organization of strong and weak beats

What does a widen pulse pressure indicate?

regurge of blood due to weak heartvalve

What if your pulse sitting down is 85 when you stand goes to 120 make weak for days?

If your pulse sitting down is 85 you have problems. If your pulse goes to 120 when you stand, you have worse problems. If you are weak for days, you have even worse problems. It may be your heart, your arteries, your lungs, or something else. Still, something is wrong.

What could be the problem if you have a weak pulse and are pale and cold and sweaty?

Heart attack. Good luck.