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Gravity is the weakest force. In order from strongest to weakest is the strong force, the electromagnetic force, the weak force, and gravity. However, this is relative to distance - one could consider that gravity is the strongest force because its effect can be felt over enormous distances, even astronomical distances.

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The weakest force is gravity, followed by the weak nuclear force, then the electromagnetic force, and the strongest force is the strong nuclear force.

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13y ago

gravitational force is the weakest

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Q: What is weakest gravity the strong force the weak force or the electromagnetic force?
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Is gravity the second strongest force in the universe?

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Gravity is considered a weak force compared to other fundamental forces like the electromagnetic force and the strong nuclear force. Its effects are most noticeable on astronomical scales, such as in the interaction between planets and stars.

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Gravity is a force that cannot be seen directly but is observed by its effects on objects. Electromagnetic fields, like wifi signals or radio waves, are phenomena that cannot be seen but are detected through technology. Subatomic particles, such as quarks and neutrinos, are also examples of entities that cannot be seen directly but are detected through their interactions with other particles.

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GRAVITY- may be the weakest force of nature, but it acts on all materials and in all places

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The four elementary forces of nature are gravity, electromagnetism, the weak nuclear force, and the strong nuclear force. These forces govern the interactions between particles and are responsible for the behavior of matter in the universe.

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D. The strong nuclear force. This force is responsible for binding protons and neutrons together in the nucleus of an atom. Electromagnetic forces also play a role in holding electrons in orbit around the nucleus.

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Gravity Electromagnetic force Strong Nuclear Force

4 types of forces?

Four types of forces are gravitational force, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force, and strong nuclear force. Gravitational force is responsible for attracting objects towards each other, electromagnetic force is responsible for interactions between charged particles, weak nuclear force is involved in radioactive decay, and strong nuclear force binds protons and neutrons in an atomic nucleus.