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Putting Jews into ghettos was not a new concept. It was not that they were unconcerned, it was that they had no choice.

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Q: What is were the Jews unconcerned about being placed in the ghetto?
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Describle Jews ghetto?

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What was the size of the Warsaw ghetto and how many Jews can be putted in at once?

The Warsaw ghetto was the largest ghetto established in Poland. the total of Jews that can be crowded in is about 450,000 Jews. They were crowded into an area of 1.4 square miles that was the Warsaw ghetto.

Why were the Jews of Sighet unconcerned for themselves?

The Jews of Sighet were initially unconcerned for themselves because they did not fully grasp the severity of the unfolding events, believing the deportation warnings to be exaggerated or temporary. They also placed their trust in the established order and authorities, and could not imagine the atrocities that awaited them.

Was the Ghetto for the Jews?

It wasn't only for Jews.

Did Jews have to be in by a certain time in the Warsaw Ghetto?

The rule about being back inside the ghetto by sunset applied to ghettos in the period c. 1550-1830. In the case of the Warsaw Ghetto established by the Nazis, the Jews were not allowed out at all unless they had a special pass (which was seldom given).

Some Jews agreed to work as police in the ghettos?

Being a policeman in the ghetto was a sought after job.

After being evacuated from their original homes where are the Jews of Sighet first sent?

To a ghetto within Sighet.

Why are they are call Jewish ghetto?

Because the the entity was a ghetto and they housed Jews.

How did Hitler segregate the Jews?

Hitler had placed Jews in a bordered-off corner of a city called a "ghetto" in which they had curfews of when to be home, and eventually not allowed to leave at all.

What were living conditions like in Ghetto?

The conditions that the Jews lived inside the ghetto were really bad, some Jews either died from starvation or got disease from being in a tiny room with a lot of other Jews in there.

Who lived in krakow ghetto?

Jews, mainly the Jews of Krakau