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Character development or character arc.

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Q: What is when the character undergoes a change in the story called?
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What is a strong character who undergoes a major change by the end of a story?

This is a trometic ixperiense

A dynamic character is one who?

changes, for better of worse, throughout the story. in other words the dynamic character is one who changes often in the piece of writing.

What is an initiation story?

An initiation story is a fiction in which the protagonist (the most important character in the work) undergoes an experience that is life-changing, and usually that character is a young person who gains a measure of maturity from the experience. Good examples of initiation in short stories are James Joyce's "Araby," John Updike's "A & P," Sarah Orne Jewett's "A White Heron," and Alice Munro's "The Found Boat."

What is a character who undergoes changes called?

This type of person is commonly referred to as a "round character," or "dynamic character." This person is the opposite of a "flat" or "static" character who does not change throughout the story.

Can round character can be static or dynamic?

Yes the can because a round character is a character that is fully developed with more then 1 character trait and a dynamic character undergoes a change in their character which a round character can do. On the other hand, a round character can also stay the same which is the definition of a static character.

Is the character in slam static or dynamic?

The character in slam is dynamic. Throughout the story, he undergoes personal growth and change as he navigates the challenges he faces on and off the basketball court.

Is Don Anselmo a flat or a round character?

Don Anselmo is considered a round character because he undergoes a significant internal change and shows depth and complexity throughout the story.

What is a character called that does not change or learn anything during a story?

a flat character **

How does the main character change during the story?

The main character undergoes a transformation in their beliefs, values, or personality traits as they navigate challenges and experiences throughout the story. This change could involve personal growth, development, or a shift in perspective that impacts their actions and decisions.

What is a character that does change throughout the story?

Characters that change throughout a story are called dynamic characters.Characters that do not change throughout a story are called static characters. (think of the static on TV. it stays the same.)

Is estella a round or flat character?

Estella can be considered a round character. She has complexity, depth, and undergoes development throughout the story, showing different sides to her personality and experiencing change over time.

What type of character changes thought out the story?

A dynamic character undergoes significant internal change throughout the story, evolving in their beliefs, values, or perceptions. This transformation is often a result of the events and experiences they encounter, leading to a shift in their outlook or behavior.