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Abstemious, abstemiously, abstentious and adventitious contain vowels in order. Additional words include facetious and facetiously.

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Q: What is word for words with vowels in order?
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One word in the English language has vowels in order?

Abstemiously and facetiously both have the vowels in order.

Is the word is a vowel?

No. Vowels are letters, so the only words that can be vowels are words consisting of only one letter, such as "I" or "a". The word "said" is a verb.

What are some words that have all of the vowels?

Some words that have all 5 of the classic vowels are: sequoia education facetious authorize persuasion unreasoning Some that have all 5, and Y also, in order (AEIOUY) are abstemiously facetiously

What do the words facetious and unoriental have in common?

Facetious has all the vowels in order. Unoriental has all the vowels in reverse order.

Word with 5 vowels?

Can it only consist of vowels? Many words have 5 vowels. Queueing has five in a row.

Is the word said a vowel?

No. Vowels are letters, so the only words that can be vowels are words consisting of only one letter, such as "I" or "a". The word "said" is a verb.

5 letter word starting with r without vowels?

all words have vowels in them

Is the word unload a vowel or consonant?

The word unload is a verb. Words are not consonants or vowels, words have consonants and vowels. unload has 3 vowels (u,o,a) and 3 consonants (n,l,d)

How many vowels in surprise?

There are three vowels in the word surprise... In order, they are... u - i - e

How many different words can formaed with the letters of the word 'equation' without changing the relative order of the vowels and constants?


Word root eith combining vowels 2 words?

A combining form makes use of a word root, and vowels.

Give you a word which include all vowel?

one word that not only has all the vowels, it is the only word with all the vowels in order. the word is: FACETIOUS.