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Q: What is word part that appears before a root word?
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What is a word part that is added before a word or root witch changes the meaning of the word?

A prefix is a word part that is added before a word or root to change its meaning. It is commonly used in word formation and can alter the definition of the base word.

What does the root word texere mean?

To weave. This root word appears in pretext and context.

Appears at the beginning of root words whereas appears at the end?

A prefix appears at the beginning of root words, adding meaning or altering the word's original meaning. A suffix appears at the end of root words, also adding meaning or changing the word's grammatical function.

What is the word part that contains the fundamental meaning?

The root of the word.

Main part of a word without any affixes?

The main part of a word without any affixes?

What is the root part of the word century?

Cent is the root word in the word century. This root word means thousand.

What does the root word ten mean?

The word ten means a number that you count up to right after nine and before eleven. The root ten- , as in tenacious or tenant, means to hold.

The main part of a word without any affixed?

the root word

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What part of the word ladies is the root word?

The root word is "lady." Ladies is the plural of lady.

Whats the main part of a word without any affixes?

the root word

What part of a word is the root?

The root word is like the base. You can add begenings and endings to a root word. For example, the root word is LOVE you can add ER to make it LOVER.