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Q: What is worst than painful?
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What hurts worst than stepping on a Lego?

Nothing. It's clinically proven that stepping on legos is more painful than drowning, it's more painful than a gunshot, it's more painful than amputation, it's more painful than burning, it's more painful than cauterizing a wound, it's more painful than breaking bones, it's more painful than listening to a Justin Bieber song. Stepping on a lego is the pinnacle of human suffering.

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yes the femur the worst to break.

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Some of the worst pain imaginable

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Crucio is the most commonly know painful curse. It inflicts the worst pain amongst it's victim.

Is it painful when a person dyes from drowning?

yes very, it is one of the worst ways to die

What is the worst kinda knee pain?

Sharp, intensely painful, and I can't walk on that leg.

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assburgers is way worst than ADD

What happens if you decide not to get the teeth pulled that the dentist suggested you get pulled?

Worst case an abcessed tooth... which is horrifyingly painful.

Worse is to worst as least is to what?

Less. Eg. 'it is worse than that', 'it is the worst', and 'it is less than that', 'it is the least'.

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which is worst is a matter of opinion

What is the worst pain in the world?

I'm guessing getting shot in the chest, giving birth, or some disease. There are lots of painful things...

Is getting pepper spray in your eyes or butt more painful?

The dick hole is the worst spot to be sprayed at. IF that happens try to suck it out.