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When koi swims upside down is generally a way of knowing that it is unhealthy. This can be from a number of things; the main reasons being bloat / digestion problems, disease / illness. If they are suffering from digestion problems you need to re-assess what type of feed you are using, and the quantity in which you give to them. Koi have a strange diet, as they eat all types of feed such as specialised flakes and pellets, brine shrimp, blood worms, larvea, and some vegetation. If the diet has been changed, and they are receiving a variety in their diet, then there is a high chance they aresuffering from a disease or illness. There are many types of books that you can pick up from your local petshop that can help you look at the signs and symptoms and to narrow down the possible disease that they may have, and quite possibly give you a solution or chemical to use to prevent and treat the disease. In some cases a fish floating upside down is a sign that is dying and can longer balance and control its body.

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Q: What is wrong if your koi swims upside down?
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Well koi fish symbolise strength and courage, and the legend and myth behind the koi fish is that it swims upstream to turn into a dragon. The Dragon symbolises the end of a journey and overcoming the obstacle you faced. Therefore a Koi swimming upstream symbolises faceing a problem and being on a quest to put an end to it. A Koi swimming downstream symbolises that it has allready overcome the problem, people often get this to symbolise the end of an ordeal.

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There are many advantages of using Koi Carp in outdoor ponds. These advantages include, but are not strictly limited to, the Koi regulate the pond, and they keep the algae level down.

Does it matter if a koi fish facing up or going down when your getting it tattooed?

if it a koi fish then yes, to have one heading down stream is considered bad luckIt's not considered bad luck at all! It denotes the koi is travelling in the fall and should be shown with maple leaves rather than cherry blossoms. It can mean that you are trying to overcome any hardships.

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could be many? does it have "whiskers"?>A koi Does it have a tail fin that seems small for it's body?>Strong possibility it is a comet Does it have a normal sized tail fin?>Maybe a common goldfish Does it have a split "upside down v" tail?>It is a fancy variety

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Koi is a type of fish. Just don't put koi in the pond and it will not be a koi pond.

What is the symbolism of a Japanese koi fish and dragon together on a tattoo?

the koi fish turns into a dragon, according to Japanese folklore.Koi Dragon TattooThe koi fish in Japanese folklore represents the overcoming of obstacles, because the koi fish travels up the yellow river and when it comes to the end of the river it transforms into the dragon; thus overcoming the adversity represented by the strong river to fufill its own destiny.The Legend of the Rainbow RiverJapanese legend has it that every year thousands of Koi, a courageous, strong, and dedicated fish, make a perilous and difficult journey up the Rainbow (or Dragon) river.Out of perhaps a million Koi, only once in many years, one Koi is dedicated and strong enough to swim all the way to the head of the river, known as "The Dragon Gate" (or "The Rainbow Gate") and leap from the water.He is transformed into a dragon. This tattoo tells the story of this little Koi's journey. Up the inside of the collector's calf swims the determined little fish. Against all odds he reaches the head of the River and leaps from the water. Above the metaphorical Dragon's Gate of the collector's knee, the koi-fish begins his transformation mid leap, becoming a Koi-dragon, before continuing down the outside of the collector's calf as a full fledged dragon.

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The Koi would be prey for the turtle. More than likely it would begin with fin nips to slow the fish down and make it easier to take bites out of.

What is the plural form of Koi?

The plural of koi, a Japanese karp, is koi.

What is a Japanese koi?

a fish, a koi carp