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Q: What is yellow peel in skin treatment this is used in skin pigmentation?
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What treatments are available to treat facial pigmentation?

Treatments available for the treatment of Hyperpigmentation (facial pigmentation) include: IPL (Photofacial), Chemical Peel, Laser Peel, and of course topical skin lightening products like Meladerm.

What kind of pigmentation treatment would be suitable How can I find that?

Pigmentation treatment can be customised as per the skin needs of the individual. You should consult a skin care expert for appropriate advice specific to your skin.

What is the purpose of Vitiligo laser treatment?

The purpose of Vitiligo laser treatment is to stop the spread of de-pigmentation in skin. In some cases this treatment helps the skin to gain back its pigmentation. It is not certain or guaranteed that the treatment will help gain back skin's pigmentation.

Is there any way of getting rid of age related pigmentation?

Yes, these days there are good skin pigmentation treatment available that can help get rid of age related pigmentation. You can also use pigmentation reducing products.

What does a salicylic acid peel do?

A salicylic acid peel treats several skin-conditions. The following skin-conditions can benefit from a salicylic acid peel treatment; clogged pores, acne, blackheads and oily, congested skin. The treatment can be used for every skin-type, however best results have those who have an acne-prone skin.

Treatment for pigmentation?

Pigmentation of the skin can be treated by various methods including home remedies such as aloe Vera and rosehip oil. Other ways to treat pigmentation are with prescription topicals that contain ingredients such as kojic acid, hydroquinone, azelaic acid and mandelic acid.

What can i do for skin pigmentation problems?

Seek out a qualified Dermatology expert. They can advice and test for skin conditions and also advise course of treatment to assist

What all are glycolic peels used for?

Glycolic peel exfoliates the skin evenly and remove dead cells. They are used in many skin treatments such as pigmentation removal, skin glow, dark circle removal and more.

What is hyper- pigmentation?

Hyper-pigmentation , a process of the skin to be darken as compare to its surrounding.Our skin cell melanocytes produce a substance called melanin. melanin is the pigmentating substance in our skin.Cause: Excess of the melanin in the skin causes the hyper-pigmentation of skin.There are many skin condition which is form of hyper-pigmentation in skin. More common reason for such pigmentation disorders is the harmful ultra violet radiation in skin. The inverse of hyper-pigmentation is the depigmentation or hypo-pigmentation such as the skin condition vitiligo.

Egg is to shell as banana is to?

banna is to skin as orange is to peel

Which hormone increases pigmentation of the skin?

melanocyte-stimulating hormone

Is there a cure for skin pigmentation?

Cure of your skin pigmentation disorder depends on the type of skin disorder you have developed. Skin pigmentation disorders include hypo-pigmentation, albinism, vitiligo, Hyper-pigmentation, Lichen Simplex Chronicus, Melasma, Birthmarks, Port-wine Stains.You can differentiate your skin pigmentation disorder by visiting the following links: