

Best Answer

duhh...u should wake up and get bak to reality..hes obviously cheating on u!!!

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Q: What is you found exwifes pantiees in your husbands laundry?
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What is the purpose of laundry mats?

The purpose of laundry mats is to provide the ability for an individual to wash and dry their clothes if they don't have the capability to do so at their home. The service of laundry mats can be found virtually everywhere.

Where can you buy Miracle White laundry stain remover?

It can be found at Amazon.

Where can you find information on how to do laundry?

Information on how to do laundry can be found by asking parents or grandparents and by reading the instruction sheet at the laundromat which is usually taped to the wall by the machines.

What is on-premise laundry?

On-premise laundry means that there is a laundry facility on the property. The term is often found in apartment listings, where it means that there is a washer and dryer available in the building or complex, but not necessarily in the apartment unit. It does not say anything about what it costs to do the laundry or whether it is safe to leave your laundry in the washer or dryer.

What can be found in a laundry room starting with the letter A?

the chemical Ammonia found in Windex which is sometimes kept in alaundry room

What are some of the reasons that can be found on the internet for why women are said to be cheating on their husbands?

There are various reasons found on the internet why women cheat on their husbands. One of the main reasons that this is said to happen both online and off is lack of emotion.

What inexpensive laundry soap will be more comfortable to wash with?

Yes there a laundry soap called sun brand free it is just a few dollars and can be found at dollar stores.

Does Era laundry detergent come in high efficiency?

it does but i have only found it at wal mart

Why has Era laundry detergent been discontinued?

Era Laundry Detergent is still available, but may not be available in all stores. It can be found online at,,, and

where can I find some cheap laundry detergent coupons?

Laundry detergent coupons are easily found on the website The website not only has laundry detergent coupons, but also has many other household items available to print and redeem in any store.

Where do I get laundry detergent coupons?

Laundry detergent coupons can be found in stores, in your local Sunday paper, and online. Most stores like Target and Walmart have many coupons available online.

Where is a laundress?

A laundress is typically found in a laundromat or laundry service facility where she washes and irons clothing for clients. She may also work in a household as a domestic worker responsible for laundry duties.