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It could be sick. Check for any suspicious behavior like vomiting.

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Q: What is your cat doing if it is not eating or eating too much?
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Eating too much and doing less exercise.

Name something doctors are always telling people to stop doing?

eating too much smoking, drinking alcohol eating junk food, using too much salt doing drugs

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smoking,doing drugs,not eating enough and eating too much bad food

Can you get obese by doing homework?

Of course not. You get obese by eating the wrong foods, eating too much, and not exercising enough. Doing homework doesn't stop you from eating right and getting exercise.

What does it mean if my cat's eye is pink?

It means your cat is fine. It doesn't mean anything.

Will a cat get diarrhea from eating too much ham?

They can. Ham is not a natural part of a cat's diet. It is a different kind of meat, and should be fed very sparingly.

Can a cat hunt too much?

A cat cannot hunt too much. A cat doesn't eat much. A rat is enough to be eaten for a cat daily. A cat also uses energy during hunting. A too much hunting may make a cat tired.

What are the causes of eating too much salt?

Are you stupid? Eating too much salt is caused by eating salty foods..

You do 3 to 4 miles on the treadmill everyday and havent lost 1 pound what are you doing wrong?

Eating too much?

Can you get sick from eating too much gluten?

yeah you can get sick from eating too much of ANYTHING.

Can you get sick from eating too much healthy food?

You can get sick from eating too much of anything!

Why am i gaining weight?

Because you eat too much junk foods like, eating too much is okay as long as you feel okay doing it but eat HEALTHY too much foods and you will be great =)