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The Greek Island. Everything that has to do with Greece is on the Greek Island, you know.

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Q: What island did Hercules charge only ten drachmas for an autographed photo?
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How do you get the drachmas for Hercules autograph on Mythology Island?

You don't. You don't need the autograph and you can't get the nine drachmas.

In poptropica mythology island how do you get the money to give to Hercules?

To get the money to give to Hercules in Poptropica's Mythology Island, you need to complete tasks for characters around the island to earn drachmas. This includes helping the villagers, completing challenges, and collecting items to trade for money. Keep exploring and interacting with characters to gather enough drachmas to give to Hercules.

Poptropica mythology island where to get 9 drachmas?

You don't need to get the 9 drachmas; he lowers the price and you have to do the other challenges first you must go to Olympus village where you must speak to Athena who will get Hercules to help you move the rock in front of Hades' throne room. :)

How do you get ten drachmas on mythology island?

You can't get enough to buy anything from Hercules. You collect one drachma for cleaning the graffiti at the Temple of Hades, and you don't use it until you are headed for Mount Olympus, with the help of Hercules. It is used to buy a Wind Bag from Aeolus.

How do you get nine drachmas on poptropica mythology island?

You can't

How do you get nine drachmas on mythology island?

You don't. The only drachma on the island is the one earned for cleaning graffiti at the temple of Hades. It is used much later on the climb to Mount Olympus.*Except for talking to Hercules, nothing in Herc's Hero Hut has any function at all.

What if you miss one speak of graffiti on mythology island do you not get the drachmas?

no you don't

Where can you get 9 drachmas on Mythology island?

You don't. You can only earn one drachma, by cleaning graffiti at the Temple of Hades. You do not buy anything with it until you reach Mount Olympus. Nothing at Herc's Hero Hut is at all functional, and you don't buy his autographed likeness.

Who is Hercules in Poptropica?

Hercules is Zeus's son and Athena's brother Hercules is who helps you in mythology island

Where are the drachmas for on Mythology Island?

You clean the graffiti off Hades palace and then this guy gives you drachamas

How do you get drachmas on Mythology Island?

There is exactly ONE drachma to be earned on the island. If you go to the temple of Hades (right of Temple of Muses), the worker will pay you ONE drachma to clean all of the graffiti off the outside of the temple. This is all you can earn, and you need it when climbing Mount Olympus at the end of the island quest. (Note : You cannot buy or do anything in the Hero Hut except talk to Hercules. Period.)

How do you get the ten coins on mythology island?

You can't earn 10 drachmas, only 1, so you never buy the Hercules autograph. You only get one coin, for cleaning graffiti off the outside wall of the Temple of Hades. You will use it much later to buy a windbag on Mount Olympus.