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Q: What island did immigrants arrive in 1880?
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How and where the Jewish immigrants would have arrive in US?

In the major wave of immigration (1880-1920) they came by ship and landed at Ellis island, New York City.

How many immigrants were processed daily at Ellis Island from 1880-1920?


What happen at Ellis Island?

immigrants came to Ellis island to be checked and processed to America

Who were the first immigrants to arrive in Angel Island?

Nope. Angel Island was started as an Immigration Facility in 1910 but many Asians did arrive in San Francisco in the early 1800's, just not through Angel Island. Many did go to Angel Island to be checked for illnesses and and to tell officials about their past life.

What city did Irish immigrants arrive during early 1900s?

New York / Ellis Island

Which place did immigrants arrive on the west?

If they were coming in directly to San Francisco they would enter through Angel Island.

What mode of transportation did immigrants use to arrive at Ellis Island?

They used water transportation or in other words boats.

What place did immigrants arrive on the west coast before gaining entry into the US?

Ellis Island in NY harbor was the "doorway" to the US.

What are the wages of mining immigrants in 1880?


What is the Term for the post-1880 newcomers who came to America primarily from southern and eastern Europe?

The post-1880 newcomers who came to America are called the 'New Immigrants'. The immigrants came from the eastern and southern Europe.

Where did immigrants arrive in the Us and where were they from?

They arrived in between 1845 to 1860 the immigrants where from Ireland and Germany

What were immigrants called that came from 1880 and 1910?

Italian immigrant