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Q: What island in the Pacific still has a King or a Sovereign Monarchy?
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What island in the pacific still has a king or a sovereign?


Is the United Kingdom still united?

Yes, it is. It is made up of the island of Great Britain and Northern Island. Great Britain consists of England, Scotland, and Wales. Northern Island, Scotland, and Wales have devolved self-governments with varying powers based in their own capitals (Belfast, Edinburgh, and Cardiff, respectively). The United Kingdom as a whole is a country and sovereign state; England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Island are regarded as "countries within a country" - countries (or regions) on their own, but not sovereign states. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system; its capital is London, England.

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Pearl divers do exist, but only off the pacific island coasts.

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No one knows. It is still a mystery. Some think she landed on a small island in the Pacific.

Did England has monarchy?

Yes, and still does.

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Yes, but her career is dead.

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It attained democracy in 2006

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Kauai, Kahoolawe, Kuril Islands, Kwajelan atoll,

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Taiwan is not recognized as a sovereign state because it is legally still a part of Japanese territory and is currently under U.S. military control.

Why were the french able to keep the monarchy for so much longer than the English?

They were not, We, The English still have a monarchy, while the French have their republic.

What is an example of a civilization that was a monarchy?

The United Kingdom is a monarchy. Until the revolution, France was a monarchy as was (and some still are) most of the countries of Europe. Any civilization with discrete boundaries and a royal family was/is a monarchy...example Ancient Egypt. There has to be a single king or queen.