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Q: What issue does Lincoln declare is the hands of his dissatisfied fellow countrymen?
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Who dissatisfied fellow countrymen did Lincoln refer to?

His reference is about the south.

Which dissatisfied fellow countrymen did Lincoln refer to?

they were democrats who supported stephen douglas

Who said in your hands my dissatisfied fellow countrymen and not in mine is the momentous issue of civil war. the government will not assail have no oath registered in heaven to destroy the?

President Abraham Lincoln. This was from his first inaugural speech given in March of 1891.

Difficulties did the US face in Vietnam?

The weather, the enemy, their fellow countrymen.

How did Stalin maintain order?

With an iron fist. Stalin was responsible for millions of murders of his fellow countrymen.

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A multi-faith country fosters diversity and tolerance, promoting cultural exchange and understanding among different religious groups. It allows individuals to freely practice their faith and contributes to a rich tapestry of beliefs and traditions that can enhance social cohesion and harmony.

What role did protesters play on the home front during the 1960?

They lowerd the morale of their fellow countrymen that had to fight the war.

What caused the choice between the union or fighting against their own fellow countrymen?

states in the Upper South to secede.

What did the choice between leaving the union or fighting against their fellow countrymen cause?

states in the Upper South to secede

The choice between leaving the union or fighting against their fellow countrymen caused what?

states in the Upper South to secede

How did the Vietnamese war impact soldiers?

Alittle longer than most wars at the time, but hostility from our fellow countrymen was the last straw.

Lincoln did not use force against the Confederacy because?

Lincoln was intent on keeping the peace and preserving the union. Going so far as to state rather plainly to the south in his inauguration speech â??In your hand, my fellow countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war.â?? He had no intention of being the one to blame for the breaking of the union, but he would be the one to take credit for its preservation.