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A division of the sacred and the secular

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A division of thesacred and the secular

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Q: What issues did Catholics and Protestants disagree about that led to their radically different art?
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What are some ways Catholics disagree with Christians?

Well Catholics are Christians. Some ways they disagree with Protestants are: 1.Catholics believe you get to heaven by baptism plus faith plus works. Protestants believe you get to heaven by faith alone. 2.Catholics believe Communion is really Jesus. Protestants believe Communion is just a memorial of Jesus. However there are some Protestants that believe Communion almost like the Catholics. Lutherans for example. 3.Catholics honor saints. Protestants do not. These are some differeces. If you want to know mor but this in the address box.

What were the basis for the violence in Ireland in the 1900s?

Protestants and Catholics disagree on Irish policy

What do Roman Catholics and Protestants disagree about marriage?

I don't know all the details but if you're a Catholic and you get divorced you're cut off from the church... protestants still love you and are understanding if you get a divorce...there may be others but I know this from family history.

Catholics created religious art while Protestants created art depicting everyday scenes. Which issue did Catholics and Protestants disagree about that led to their radically different art?

There were many issues that the protestants and Catholics disagreed about. Catholic art responded to the reformation by depicting the issues that were being challenged. So in Catholic art you will find the virgin Mary or art depicting the dogma of the immaculate conception or saints eg Saint Catherine being welcomed into heaven. In general Protestant art tended to avoid: grandiose images of Jesus or the Virgin Mary; big set-piece scenes from the Bible (like the Passion of Christ); images of the Saints; and, in particular, depictions of the Popes and other senior clergy. Instead, Protestant art focused on humble depictions of biblical scenes and moralistic depictions of contemporary everyday life.

Catholics created religious art, while Protestants created art depicting everyday scenes. Which issue did Catholics and Protestants disagree about that led to their radically different art?

There were many issues that the protestants and Catholics disagreed about. Catholic art responded to the reformation by depicting the issues that were being challenged. So in Catholic art you will find the virgin Mary or art depicting the dogma of the immaculate conception or saints eg Saint Catherine being welcomed into heaven. In general Protestant art tended to avoid: grandiose images of Jesus or the Virgin Mary; big set-piece scenes from The Bible (like the Passion of Christ); images of the Saints; and, in particular, depictions of the Popes and other senior clergy. Instead, Protestant art focused on humble depictions of biblical scenes and moralistic depictions of contemporary everyday life.

Where do Catholics disagree with sound biblical teachings?

Catholics do not disagree with any Biblical teachings. However, Protestants do, especially in such critical areas as Eucharist, Reconciliation, salvation by faith and good works, the role of the pope, Purgatory, etc. All of these are Biblical in origin but rejected by Protestants. Martin Luther even went so far as to throw out a number of books in the Old Testament because he did not agree with the theology they taught, including Purgatory. He even considered throwing out the Epistle of St. James because it contradicted his teaching that salvation was through faith alone. Instead, he chose to ignore it.

Why do some wiccans disagree with Gerald gardner?

The same reason some Catholics disagree with the pope. Some religions have set rules written down that explain what to believe and do. Wicca is an experience religion, where there is no set rules or books that tell you what to think, so it really is different for every practitioner. Just because they disagree with him doesn't make him wrong, just different.

What does the term Biblical Canon mean?

The term Biblical Canon refers to the various books that are accepted as books of Holy Scripture. Different religions have their own lists of sacred books. Protestants and Jews agree on the same 39 books of the Old Testament but disagree on the order of placement. Roman Catholics and Orthodox add more books, the Catholics have two more books in their Old Testament Canon than the Orthodox. All Christians agree on the Canon of 27 books for the New Testament. Muslims have for their Canon: The first 5 books of Moses, Psalms, the four Gospels, and the Koran. Other religions have different Canons.

Why does protestants hate the pope?

Most protestants don't hate the pope himself but none don't believe in the authority of the pope and his infallibility. Some in the past have experienced bad popes on the throne and pass on the stereotype that all popes are bad.

Do people disagree about the Buddhist culture?

yes because everyone has a different culture and disagree

What church did the colonists disagree with?

Many of the early settlers in North America went there to escape religious persecution in Europe. The specific church actually changed several times. Great Britain in particular went from being a Catholic country to being a Protestant country and back and then back again. This turmoil actually resulted in groups of both Catholics and Protestants fleeing the country to escape persecution.

Can the Vaticans decide what goes in the bible?

No. However, they can change the way it is interpreted. I disagree, my friend. They can change the way CATHOLICS interpret the Bible, i think is what you mean?