

What istruments were used for toture in Elizabethan times?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What istruments were used for toture in Elizabethan times?
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Sincerely. Shakespeare uses it three times. It's used in the King James Bible (actually Jacobean, not Elizabethan, but then so is Shakespeare part of the time, so we'll let that go) three times. Ben Jonson used it too, in Every Man Out of His Humour.

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What is business in Elizabethan language?

Elizabethan English is still modern english. "Business" means "business". They used the word a lot, too. Shakespeare uses it 231 times. It was not used to mean "business establishment" but more in the sense of "business enterprise". So, if an Elizabethan said "I have a business in the High Street" that would have meant that he had something to do in the High Street, not that he had a shop there. An Elizabethan might say, "My business is selling shoes" but not "My business is a shoe store." The business establishment meaning came later.

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